TICC CMB 2018-06-20 minutes
TICC CMB 2018-06-20 minutes
Date: 2018-06-14
Time: 16:00-16:30 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)
Participants and absents
Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Collanus, Risto <risto.collanus@visma.com>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Langøy, Bård <bard.langoy@pagero.com>
Hoddevik, André <andre.hoddevik@difi.no>
Leontaridis, Lefteris <lld@netsmart.gr>
Previous meeting minutes
- PEPPOL AS4 profile vs CEF AS4 profile
- Issues discovered
- Decisions on steps moving forward
- Any other Business
Topics not discussed
- -
Information items
- Non CEF compliant encryption algorithms are used in the PEPPOL AS4 profile
- Can be changed easily in the PEPPOL AS4 profile
- PEPPOL AS4 profile under discussion: https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/ICT-Transport-AS4_Service_Specification-1.0-2017-12-08.pdf
- CEF AS4 profile for comparison: TODO
- Guideline for the use of CEF AS4 in PEPPOL: https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/pracc-esens/tree/master/guides
- Please refer to the global decision log at eDelivery CMB decision log
- Andre Hoddevik (Unlicensed) to ask his Team to provide an AS4 issue list no later than Friday, June 22 so that it can be discussed and decided upon during next TICC CMB
AS4- André Hoddevik: Follow up on decision item 2; please see attached document
- The document compares the CEF AS4 profile with the PEPPOL AS4 profile, using CEF AS4 as basis. It is a best effort assessment done by Erlend Bergheim, supported by Espen Kjørra and Even Østvold, all Difi.
- The colour codes used are:
- Green - no deviation
- Yellow - deviation - not regarded as substantial
- Red - substantial deviation
- Blue - regarded as text for information only
- White (no marking) - not assessed
- Difi's lead architect on eDelivery, Rune Kjørlaug, has been invited to take part in the TICC CMB meeting on Monday 25 June.
- André Hoddevik: Follow up on decision item 2; please see attached document
Action items
- Please refer to the global action log at TICC CMB action log
, multiple selections available,
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