TICC CMB action log

TICC CMB action log

The action log was created on June 14th, 2018. Open action items back to March 2018 were investigated and added to the list.

Start dateIDActionResponsible PersonDue date
(if applicable)
2018-05-253Ask Former user (Deleted) to attend a CMB to discuss/inform about
  • ISO6523 id inclusion in OpenPEPPOL: process
Hans Berg (Deactivated)
  • integrate comment from public review etc.
    • PUBLIC_KEY of C2 required for PEPPOL AS4 profile
      • In the same formatting as provided in SMP
    • State that MLR SMP registration should not be considered
    • Annex on how to handle C4 validation
    • 2.5.5 add note on certificate change (Martin’s comment #4)
    • Comment Martin #5: severity MUST be failure, EBMS:0001, PEPPOL AS4 spec states, that participant check is needed -> same check here
    • 2.5.3: if negative TVR is received later than 2:30 than the problem must be resolved out-of-band

Philip Helger


PEPPOL Directory: Trigger an information to all SMP providers (Oct 31st 2018) in accordance with Former user (Deleted) (according to decision # 3 in TICC CMB 2018-04-27 minutes)

Hans Berg (Deactivated)
2018-06-1821Evaluate whether a cipher list for TLS 1.2 (and potentially below) is feasable to be defined ( TICC-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS )Bård Langöy2018-06-25
2018-09-2833Extend the PEPPOL AS2 1.01 profile with the TLS cipher suite requirements identified by TICC-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS - it was decided to use OWASP category A+, A and B cipher suites (10 in total)Bård Langöy

Completed actions

Start dateIDActionResponsible PersonDue date
(if applicable)
Completion date

Add edit restrictions to previous Confluence meeting minutes

Hans Berg (Deactivated)

Draft a change request  (to agreement workgroup) for Annex 4 to remove hard coded references to technical specifications ( AF-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

Hans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-05-258PEPPOL AS4 vs. eSENS profile conformance
  • Philip Helger has distributed Sander's response to TICC CMB on May 2nd.
Philip Helger2018-05-022018-05-02
2018-05-259PEPPOL AS2 1.01 date of obligationHans Berg (Deactivated)

PEPPOL AS2 1.2 - SHA-256 support

Hans Berg (Deactivated) asked the MC for approval on May 4 but not enough approvals were received. Hans Berg (Deactivated) to re-ask MC for approval. Next MC meeting planned for June 12th, 2018.

That is also partially related to https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues/TICC-44

Hans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-05-2511Non-XML Payload specification
  • Define real action items in next TICC CMB meeting
Hans Berg (Deactivated)
2018-05-2512New identifier issuing agenciesPhilip Helger

Draft a proposal as commented in TICC-46 (Peppol Policy changes for BIS v3).

Bård Langöy

2018-05-2514Consider introducing a global CMB decision log and action log to enable swift follow up of decisions and actions.TICC CMB
2018-06-0815Testbed Taskforce: Call for participation to TICC members sent outHans Berg (Deactivated)
2018-06-0816Testbed: Draft a mandate for the Testbed v1 Task Force - by Monday, June 11thFormer user (Deleted)2018-06-11
2018-06-0817Draft a mandate for the Testbed v2 WorkgroupHans Berg (Deactivated)2018-06-21
2018-06-0818Hans check with Anna-Lis Berg to respond to Maarten Daniels e-mail re: CEF vs PEPPOL AS4 profile (see completed Action #8)Former user (Deleted)


Draft a new version of the PEPPOL SBDH/envelope specification containing the following overall changes compared to the old version:

a) Include support for process identifier scheme and document type identifier scheme (in a backwards compatible way) DONE

b) Introduce customization possibilities into the SBDH DONE

Philip Helger
2018-06-1822Respond to Charlotte on TICC-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS Bård Langöy
2018-08-1724Send out PEPPOL AS4 specification 2.0 review to all TICC members and add a news item on peppol.euHans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-08-3126Finalized the Envelope specification 1.1 document, send it out for TICC CMB final review (and than publish it) (see also action 20). Follow-up meeting on September 5th, 4pm.Philip Helger2018-09-03
Integrate the new identifiers from TICC-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS TICC-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS   TICC-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS into the codelist documents
Philip Helger2018-09-03
2018-09-0528Agenda item # 3: Send an email to TICC members on Envelope specification 1.1.1 (https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/ICT-Transport-OpenPEPPOL-Envelope_Specification-111_2018-09-28.pdf)Hans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-09-0529Agenda item #3: Publish a news item on peppol.eu on Envelope specification 1.1.1Hans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-08-1725Make PEPPOL Directory 1.1 specification publicly available (news item, PEPPOL Directory, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)Philip Helger

2018-09-0531Integrate the identifiers from TICC-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS and  TICC-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS  into the codelist documents

2018-09-2832Publish SBDH 1.1.1 specs, announce to members and on peppol.eu (https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/ICT-Transport-OpenPEPPOL-Envelope_Specification-111_2018-09-28.pdf)Hans Berg (Deactivated)

2018-10-2634Integrate the identifier for Singapore from  TICC-60 - Getting issue details... STATUS  into the codelist documentPhilip Helger

2019-02-0137A minor update of "Policy for use of identifiers" 3.x should be created, containing the statement, that this document applies only to BIS versions 1 and 2. For BIS version 3 or later, please see v4 of this document.



Philip Helger to prepare the technical artifacts for code lists v4

Hans Berg (Deactivated) to publish the news item on PEPPOL website and mailing list for release of code lists v4

2019-02-0136Bård Langöy to review the differences between RFC 7230 and RFC 2616 on the potential impact on AS2 message exchange (RFC 4130)Bård Langöy2019-02-05

Hans to publish news items and send out emails regarding:

  • Business Message Envelope v1.2
  • Policy for use of Identifier v3.2 for BIS v1 and BIS v2
Hans Berg (Deactivated)


Create an SBDH Envelope specification 1.2 that includes the text/binary wrapper from the legacy work group (see also action 20 c, TICC-34 - Getting issue details... STATUS )


Create a draft policy for identifier 4.0 taking into consideration all comments received so far

  • Comments from Henrik Möller
  • Comments from Serge Libert
  • Comments from Bård Langöy
  • Comments concerning interoperability with ISO 6523 (BIS v3)
  • Comments on obsoleted references


AS2 version 1.2 specification with SHA-256 support must be drafted.

2018-10-26 HB: Add AS2 Content-Transfer-Encoding recommendation in AS2 1.2 specs.

Philip Helger


Send out a call for candidate for one CMB member (to succeed Olav Kristansen, Difi) in mid June so that the new member can be elected.

Hans Berg (Deactivated)


Open TICC Tickets

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