TICC CMB 2017-11-08 minutes
TICC CMB 2017-11-08 minutes
Date: 2017-11-08
Time: 12.00-14.00 CET
Type of meeting: conference call
Participants and absents
Hans Berg <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery CC Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Oriol Bausà Peris <oriol@invinet.org>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen <svrra@digst.dk>
Observers (without voting right)
Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it> as Pre-award CC Leader
Sören Pedersen <Soren.Pedersen@esv.se> as Post Award CC Leader
Previous eDelivery CMB Minutes
- OpenPEPPOL AS4 specificaton review (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19o_vo8Gv1BhdJUtk8w1LKIcuUv3TAu5YTJpyhHTYxzg/edit?usp=sharing)
- Instruct Sander to provide his input no later than Monday (Nov 13th; categorize them into editorial, tech: must have/ nice to have)
- AS4 work group only takes care (from now on) about the concerns of the LoU
- The number of comment items is considered very huge - so not production ready?
- AI Hans: Send out info regarding the decision in TICC CMB on 2017-06-20 (D2017-60) to not change the AS2 specs.
- Transport protocol policy (Annex 4) must be updated. Proposed wordings:
- PEPPOL AS2 profile - Mandatory unless other stated below.
- Enhanced PEPPOL AS2 profile - Optional, restricted and limited use in the in the payment domain and for domestic Norwegian purposes only. Mandatory in the payment domain.
- PEPPOL AS4 profile - Optional. Mandatory in the eTendering domain.
- AI Olav will ask Jostein about the formal process to implement the changes according to the above agenda item #3.
- PKI Migration (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDNCC/pages/53510150/PKI+Task+force)
- EDIFACT in PEPPOL (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-7). Philip is waiting for Sven to provide the doc.types approved. Philip has sent the info to Serge for the content stuff. Publish the WG result on peppol.eu. Issue has been updated.
- MLR Policy (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-15)
- Philip to draft text; no change since last time
- SMP and SML Migration (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-16 and (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-17)
- Philip to provide gap analysis of PEPPOL SML and OASIS BDXL specs
- ETSI.org liaison role for OpenPEPPOL. Hans informed about the MC decision to liaison with Etsi. Postpone this item until Sven is available.
- Schedule next meeting(s)
- Nov 24th, 10:00-12:00 (calendar invite already sent)
- Dec 5th, 14:00-16:00 (calendar invite already sent)
- Dec 20th 15:30-17:00 (calendar invite already sent)
- Nov 21 15:00-15:30 (PKI only)
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Follow up on decisions made during last meeting
- Other open JIRA issues (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues?filter=allopenissues)
Topics not discussed
Action items
- Olav to upload member approval process to confluence (PKI page).
- AI Olav: provide text on how to find out, if all participants support standard PEPPOL BIS
- AI Philip: get the latest document versions (WG Security, WG New Payload and WG Large Files) from Niels, send them to TICC CMB members for approval, and decide in the next CMB (Nov 24th)
- AI Philip: draft text for MLR policy draft, send it out by email to TICC members for approval; then start doodle poll
- AI Philip: provide gap analysis between PEPPOL SML specs and OASIS BDXL 1.0 specs (http://docs.oasis-open.org/bdxr/BDX-Location/v1.0/os/BDX-Location-v1.0-os.html )
-- EoD
, multiple selections available,
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