TICC CMB 2017-05-05 minutes

TICC CMB 2017-05-05 minutes

Date: 2017-05-05

Time: 10.00-11.30

Type of meeting: conference call

Participants and absents


Hans Berg hans.berg@tickstar.com

Elected  members

Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>

Oriol Bausà Peris <oriol@invinet.org>

Philip Helger <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>

Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen <svrra@digst.dk>


Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it> PreAward CC Leader

Sören Pedersen <Soren.Pedersen@esv.se> PostAward CC Leader

Martin Forsberg <martin.forsberg@ecru.se> (stand-in for Sören)

Previous eDelivery CMB Minutes

  • None


    • Identifiers being used for receivers (scheme agency code) and document identifiers:

  • Collect Document Identifiers from PEPPOL Authorities
  • Mandate for updating the “PEPPOL Policy for identifiers” accordingly
  • Mandate for an approval process for identifiers

        • Suggestion: request for new document id’s need to be sent by PA’s to TICC CMB (maybe create template for doc id request?)

    • Schedule next meeting(s)
    • AOB

Action items


Check with PoACC what decision was made in regards to BIS v1 phase out. Also request which specific document types that will be removed from the network.

Propose to the MC that BIS v1 (a k a generation 1) should be removed from the network by Dec 1st 2017.


There is a solution for the duration of May 2017. Thomas Gundel is now under supervision of OpenPEPPOL. Make sure to establish a process for PEPPOL Authorities to request new certificates (involve Renate, Anna-Lis and Mairi).

Outstanding PKI related issues:

  • Change Symantec service platform?
  • Change Root Certificates?

Hans to check with Renate that the process is ongoing and moved upon.

Code lists (to be published on peppol.eu)

Philip to prepare a request sent to TICC CMB to be decided upon.

Code lists Lists

  • Issuing agency (iso 6523, NESUBL)
  • Document (type) identifiers
  • Process identifiers
  • Transport profile (protocol) identifiers (AS2, AS4)

Out of scope: domain specific code lists (like “invoice types” etc.). But TICC could offer to handle the publication of PoACC/PrACC codelists in line with the TICC codelists.

PH to create a mandate to form a “TICC Code List Team” and send it to TICC CMB meeting.

Proposed members: PH, MF, OB -> send out to TICC list and ask for participation once the team is established.