TICC CMB 2018-08-31 minutes
TICC CMB 2018-08-31 minutes
Date: 2018-08-31
Time: 14:00-16:00 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)
Participants and absents
Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Collanus, Risto <risto.collanus@visma.com>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Langøy, Bård <bard.langoy@pagero.com>
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Decisions on unresolved Jira tickets
- - TICC-14Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-37Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-54Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-52Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-51Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-50Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-47Getting issue details... STATUS
- - TICC-49Getting issue details... STATUS
- Action Log
- Any other Business
Topics not discussed
- -
Information items
- The member review for PEPPOL AS4 profile 2.0.0 was sent out on Aug 24, see https://peppol.eu/member-review-of-the-peppol-as4-2-0-0-profile.#
- - TICC-14Getting issue details... STATUS relies on action 26
- - TICC-37Getting issue details... STATUS relies on - TICC-14Getting issue details... STATUS result to be in production. Bård Langöy will update TICC-37.
- eDelivery CMB decision log
- Meeting minutes from Aug 17 2018 was approved.
- - TICC-54Getting issue details... STATUS was declined for now, because the request must be backed by the respective PEPPOL Authority (BOSA)
- - TICC-50Getting issue details... STATUS - TICC-51Getting issue details... STATUS - TICC-52Getting issue details... STATUS were approved, based on the additional Excel file provided
- - TICC-49Getting issue details... STATUS was already approved. After finalization of the codelist documents, new versions of the codelists will be made available asap.
Action items
- Envelope specification 1.1 document to be finished (see action 26)
- Follow up TICC CMB meeting on September 5th, 4pm
, multiple selections available,
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