TICC CMB 2018-08-31 minutes

TICC CMB 2018-08-31 minutes

 Date: 2018-08-31

Time: 14:00-16:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)

Participants and absents


Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>

Collanus, Risto <risto.collanus@visma.com>

Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>

Langøy, Bård <bard.langoy@pagero.com>




  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes
  2. Decisions on unresolved Jira tickets
    1. TICC-14 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    2. TICC-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    3. TICC-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    4. TICC-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    5. TICC-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    6. TICC-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    7. TICC-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    8. TICC-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. Action Log
  4. Any other Business

Topics not discussed

  1. -

Information items

  1.  The member review for PEPPOL AS4 profile 2.0.0 was sent out on Aug 24, see https://peppol.eu/member-review-of-the-peppol-as4-2-0-0-profile.#
  2. TICC-14 - Getting issue details... STATUS  relies on action 26
  3. TICC-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS  relies on  TICC-14 - Getting issue details... STATUS result to be in production. Bård Langöy will update TICC-37.


  1. eDelivery CMB decision log
  2. Meeting minutes from Aug 17 2018 was approved.
  3. TICC-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS was declined for now, because the request must be backed by the respective PEPPOL Authority (BOSA)
  4. TICC-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS   TICC-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS   TICC-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS were approved, based on the additional Excel file provided
  5. TICC-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS was already approved. After finalization of the codelist documents, new versions of the codelists will be made available asap.

Action items

  1. Envelope specification 1.1 document to be finished (see action 26)
    1. Follow up TICC CMB meeting on September 5th, 4pm


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