TICC CMB 2018-06-26 minutes

TICC CMB 2018-06-26 minutes

Date: 2018-06-26

Time: 13:00-13:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)

Participants and absents


Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>

Collanus, Risto <risto.collanus@visma.com>

Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>

Langøy, Bård <bard.langoy@pagero.com>



Previous meeting minutes


  1. PEPPOL AS4 profile vs CEF AS4 profile
    1. Discuss, evaluate decide on the "PEPPOL AS4" mandate received by André Hoddevik 2018-06-26.
  2. Any other Business

Topics not discussed

  1. -

Information items

  1.  A strategy for versioning of the PEPPOL AS4 profile must be found, that is aligned with the release strategy of CEF eDelivery AS4 profile


  1. The Workgroup mandate provided today by Difi (André Hoddevik) was unanimously approved with some changes, see attached mandate version 2. The new mandate also contains the requirement to create a change request to EC OMB for making AS4 encryption optional.
  2. TICC CMB will use the outcome of the workgroup as input for updating the PEPPOL AS4 specification so that it aligns with CEF specifications.
  3. The workgroup results from July 13th will be published as a PEPPOL AS4 specification one week later. This specification will be sent out for public review for 3 weeks.

Action items
