TICC CMB 2017-06-20 minutes
TICC CMB 2017-06-20 minutes
Date: 2017-06-20
Time: 08.30-10.00
Type of meeting: conference call
Participants and absents
Hans Berg hans.berg@tickstar.com
Elected members (with a vote)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Oriol Bausà Peris <oriol@invinet.org>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen <svrra@digst.dk>
Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it>
Sören Pedersen <Soren.Pedersen@esv.se>
Previous eDelivery CMB Minutes
- Decision regarding TICC eDelivery workgroup proposal (for the MC) (Niels)
- Previous TICC CMB Minutes
- Open JIRA issues (https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/tracker/projects/PEPPOL/issues/PEPPOL-59?filter=allopenissues)
- TICC code list team status (Philip)
- MLR policy member poll status update
- PEPPOL Directory status (Philip)
- Phase-in of eTendering
- PKI status (Sven)
- Schedule next meeting(s)
- SHA1 ws. SHA-512
- The TICC CMB decided to support the recommendation of the workgroup. Difi objected to the decision.
- TICC Code list team: work has started, next meeting 2017-06-22, updated “PEPPOL Policy for use of identifiers” will soon be available. Code list will be separated from the policy doc, the collection of current identifiers in use has started (from CC leaders as well as from existing PEPPOL Authorities).
- PEPPOL Directory: domains (http://directory.peppol.eu and http://test-directory.peppol.eu) in place, config still do be done. Migration will be prepared.
- PKI status: operations handed over to OpenPEPPOL since May 1st, contractual change still in progress. Root CA and Intermediate certificates in the trust chain will expire Q1 2020 (Jan 26, 2020 11:59:59 PM). Taking into account that new certificates has a validity of 2 years, OpenPEPPOL will need to execute a “Key change” within app 6 month. OpenPEPPOL should plan a “migration” to new CA’s and consider alternative providers of solutions to be executed 2nd half 2017
- eTendering phase-in:
- SHA1 deprecation: no separate workgroup to be established, but decided to involve Sander, Erlend, Philip and Sven. Hans need to contact Anna-Lis to
Algorithm names can be used in parallel (old and new). - SMP migration will need to be discussed during the next TICC CMB meeting. Differences outlined at https://github.com/phax/peppol-smp-server/wiki/Difference-between-PEPPOL-and-OASIS-BDXR
Action items
, multiple selections available,
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