TICC CMB 2017-10-04 minutes
TICC CMB 2017-10-04 minutes
Date: 2017-10-04
Time: 08.00-10.00
Type of meeting: conference call
Participants and absents
Hans Berg <hans.berg@tickstar.com>
Elected members (with a vote)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Oriol Bausà Peris <oriol@invinet.org>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen <svrra@digst.dk>
Observers (no voting right)
Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it>
Sören Pedersen <Soren.Pedersen@esv.se>
Niels Pagh-Rasmussen, only present during agenda item 1
Sander Fieten, only present during agenda item 1
Previous eDelivery CMB Minutes
- OpenPEPPOL AS4 Specification draft approval prepare for and decide about member review (ICT-Transport-AS4_Service_Specification-0.1e.docx, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zBfRNgXJL3HaQZT8mk8g-Q3ksamirrJb4Bi6T1kl2xc/edit)
- EDIFACT in PEPPOL (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-7)
- MLR policy member poll status update (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xjs9iN_Ehk07n6VBEHpRJ2KTKMx3E6XL5dJnVIqXOe8/edit#)
Topics not discussed
- TICC code list team status (Philip)
- PEPPOL Directory status (Philip)
- Testing procedures for APs and SMPs
- Schedule next meeting(s)
- Open JIRA issues (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues?filter=allopenissues)
- By end of 2017-10-04, add comments to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19o_vo8Gv1BhdJUtk8w1LKIcuUv3TAu5YTJpyhHTYxzg/edit#gid=0
- Next TICC CMB meeting: October 19th, 14:00 CEST
- Publish edelivery capability extension document for supporting EDIFACT.
- In respect to https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-9 - will be taken care in the next codelist team meeting
- The topic on using the new BDXL DNS-Lookup method (compared to SML DNS lookup method) should be put on the agenda of next TICC CMB meeting
Action items
- Philip to schedule next codelist team meeting on October 18th, 2pm
- TICC CMB members provide feedback to MLR Policy Voting Base document. The goal is to agree the document on the next TICC CMB and start the voting for all TICC-Members.
, multiple selections available,
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