eDelivery CMB decision log

eDelivery CMB decision log

Decision dateIDDecisionNote/CategoryDue date (if applicable)
201804271The date when all SMPs must technically be capable of connecting to PEPPOL Directory is October 31st, 2018Directory
201805032#2 It was approved to publish the PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers 3.1 asapCodelist
201805033#3 (Steps for publishing the PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers 3.1) Publication
  1. Publish the policy on GitHub
  2. Create a News item on peppol.eu (Philip to provide base text to Hans)
  3. Email to all TICC members on the news
  4. Tweet this and create small LinkedIn news item
201805034#4 (Approval of the integration of the following new identifiers) All suggested changes are approved unanimously
  1. The numbering of code list releases will contain major numbers only. The first release in the new structure has version number 2.
201805254#11 "PEPPOL policy for use of identifiers v.3.1" was approved. It is available on https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructure.Codelist
201805255#9 The customizationIds for Order and OrderResponse described in  TICC-45 - TICC: [Department of Health] Customization IDs for DHSC PEPPOL BIS 28A Ordering customisation Closed  were approved by TICC CMB assuming POACC CMB has approved the business documents.Codelist
201806086Decision to approve the Testbed v.1 document sent out by Former user (Deleted). The document was approved with the minor change, that "Oxalis" MAY NOT be the leading AP implementation.Testbed
201806147All open actions are centrally maintained in the Action log page: TICC CMB action logOrganisational2018-06-14

The updated mandate for the Codelist team was accepted unanimously. Erlend being the Team leader.

The mandate text can be found in the minutes of the respective TICC CMB meeting.


The OrderResponse document type identifier from Ordering profile v1 is to be corrected in the next release of the Document Type Identifier code list.
Old: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:OrderResponse-2::Order##urn:

New: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:OrderResponse-2::OrderResponse##urn:www.cenbii.eu:transaction:biitrns076:ver2.0:extended:urn:www.peppol.eu:bis:peppol28a:ver1.0::2.1

2018062010Andre Hoddevik (Unlicensed) to ask his Team to provide an AS4 issue list no later than Friday, June 22 so that it can be discussed and decided upon during next TICC CMBAS4
2018081711The public AS4 profile version 2 review process was decided to last for 3 weeks, starting asap when the requested changes from TICC CMB are implemented. The reviewers will be all TICC members.AS4
2018081712It was decided to approve the 9958 identifier for DE:LID (German Leitweg ID)Codelist
2018081713The PEPPOL Directory specification 1.1 was approved for publication. It can be found on https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/OpenPEPPOL%20Directory%201.1%202018-07-17.pdfDirectory
2018081714It was decided to approve the 0193 identifier for UBLBE (UBL.BE Party Identifier)Codelist

The document type identifier for the BIS Billing V3 with CII binding was decided based on  TICC-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS Jira issue


It was decided that  TICC-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS  could not be approved until there is an official PEPPOL Authority approval of this document type (because it is a EN CIUS). The ticket was assigned to Serge Libért, BOSA.

2018083117The new pre-award identifiers from TICC-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS   TICC-51 - Getting issue details... STATUS   TICC-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS were approved (process and document type identifiers)Codelist

TICC-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS  was decided to be published in Codelist version 3 along with the ones in decision #17. Announcement via e-mail and on peppol.eu website.


The SBDH 1.1 specification was decided to be released through a news item on the peppol.eu website, an e-mail to ticc-members and pushed to github repo.



TICC-54 - Getting issue details... STATUS  was approved by TICC CMB. Action to add it to the code list.

2018092821SBDH 1.1.1 was decided to be released ( TICC-56 - Getting issue details... STATUS )Envelope/SBDH
2018092822https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues/TICC-37 was approved by TICC CMB. Action to add it into the codelists.Codelist
2018101223 TICC-55 - Getting issue details... STATUS  was approved by TICC CMB with comments. The document types were also added to the Document Type codelist.Codelist

Singaporean ICD code 0195 (SG:UEN) was unanimously approved for use in the PEPPOL eDelivery network.  TICC-60 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2018112325Icelandic Alphanumerical code for their ICD 0196 was approved to be IS:KTNR (as suggested by Risto Collanus in  TICC-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). The code 9917 was decided to be deprecated.Codelist
2019011826TICC CMB decided unanimously on  TICC-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS TICC-67 - Getting issue details... STATUS , TICC-63 - Getting issue details... STATUS . The decision was made by CMB members via e-mail earlier this week.Codelist
2019011827TICC CMB decided unanimously to publish code lists version 4 based on the current changes already made.Codelist
2019012828TICC CMB decided unanimously to public PEPPOL Policy for use of identifiers version 4 at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructureSpecification
2019012829TICC CMB decided unanimously to publish AS2 Specification version 1.2 at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructureSpecification
2019020130TICC CMB decided unanimously to publish Business Message Envelope Specification version 1.2 at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructureSpecification

TICC CMB decided unanimously to update the AS2 specification to version 1.3 to change from RFC 2616 to RFC 7230

TICC CMB decided unanimously to publish AS2 Specification version 1.3 at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructure

2019031432TICC CMB decided unanimously to publish AS2 Specification version 2.0 at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/tree/master/TransportInfrastructureSpecification