eDelivery CMB meeting 2023-06-22 minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2023-06-22 minutes
Date: 2023-06-22
Time: 09:00-11:00 CEST
Type of meeting: MS Teams
Participants and absents
Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Bård Langöy (Pagero)
Risto Collanus (Visma)
Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)
Arun Kumar (Basware)
Guests (without voting right)
Philip Helger (OpenPeppol OO)
Klaus Vilstrup (OpenPeppol OO)
- News from MC 2023-06-20
- Reporting request by OO
- Policy for use of Identifiers 4.2.0
- SMP 1.3.0
- France PoC
- SMP 2.0 work group
- Other
Approval of Minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2023-06-05 minutes
Status: approved
Information/Discussion items
- News
- Last MC meeting outcome
- PINT specification including Peppol Policy for use of Identifiers 4.2.0 was approved per July 1st
- No official information received from MC yet
- Last MC++ meeting
- Proposal to MC to increase membership fees, to increase capacity issues - outcome unknown
- Vision, Mission, Goals
- Priorities suggested to eDEC: SML, SMP 2.0, New trust model for a multi-domain network
- Last GA outcome
- Risto and Bard continue to be valuable eDEC CMB members
- PAC lead: Roel (from NL)
- PA representative for MC: Craig Smith (from NZ)
- Elly presented eDEC wrap up 2022 and plan for 2023
- Questions: SMP 2.0 internal working group; Updates from eDEC as standing agenda item on SPC meetings
- Last MC meeting outcome
- Delegate Reporting update release to OO
- MC approved Reporting mandatory date of 2024-01-01
- The main reporting RFC was approved in TICC-265
- Request from OO to make a "fix" to EUSR to include new subsets on their behalf, to have it finished by end of June, so that the 6 month period until 2024-01-01 is maintained
- No process for "delegation" is present, eDEC is supposed to make the fix; the reason for the request to delegate is unknown
- Proposed changes
- Create new EUSR-Subset with "End User Country" only
- Create new EUSR-Subset with "End User Country" and "Document Type ID"
- Modifications to the Specification Document
- Modifications to the Schematron Rules
- Modifications to the rules and structure part of the Specification
- eDEC sees the delegation process as an exceptional case and this should not happen again; next time better planning is needed
- eDEC wants to be informed about the changes done, and if anything else, besides the planned changes happens (when it has "change of material impact")
- What's the probability for a push back from the SPC? A communication strategy is needed by OO.
- Remediations needed
- Service Provider need to be proactively informed by email (at least)
- Include in next SPC meeting
- OO to prepare information material on the delta
- Other
- Communication channels from MC to the communities need to be approved. Proposed way MC → OO → eDEC
- Policy for use of Identifiers 4.2.0
- Next steps for publication: final document version 4.2.0 with status "In Use" and publication date "July 1st, 2023" will be added to https://docs.peppol.eu/edelivery
- Provide a small impact analysis document for Service Providers
- For peppol-doctype-wildcard
- For the new codelist state policies
- OO to publish the processed collected comments
- SMP 1.3.0
- Based on TICC-246 - contains the draft specification change and an impact analysis proposal
- eDEC members to please comment and eventually approve in the ticket itself or by email
- Migration plan for that change needs to be created
- A follow-up, if the implementation was done, should be done by OO
- France PoC
- Presentation on Wed July 5th, 9 to 10, PH to send out invite
- Update on SMP 2.0 work group
- Last meeting 2023-06-19; Klaus was phased in
- Tasks
- Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed) to check with OO how to progress in this particular case (PINT + Reporting)
- Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed) to put the topic of MC result communication on the agenda of the next MC++ meeting
- Afterwards: communicate as eDEC to Peppol Service Providers on PPFUOI and Reporting, once official information is available
- eDEC to send out a statement, when the Peppol Business Message Envelope 2.0 specification becomes mandatory: 2024-01-01, in alignment with Reporting being mandatory
- Philip Helger to draft a proposal
- Philip Helger to create an impact analysis on PPFUOI 4.2.0 (in July)
- Philip Helger to send comment resolution to OO for publication
- Philip Helger to create a migration plan for SMP 1.3.0 specification (gradual implementation on SMP side should work, no big bang)
- Philip Helger to provide a plan how to monitor SMP 1.3.0 implementation progress
- Philip Helger send out invite for France PoC presentation
- Philip Helger to finalize TICC-19
- Philip Helger to send out new Code List State document v0.6 to eDEC CMB
- Next meeting
- Thursday July 6th, 9:00 to 11:00 CEST - then summer break up until August 17th
SPC relevant
- Nothing atm
New tasks and Issues (from last meeting)
Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10258
TICC-267Getting issue details...
- Information: Request for test document type ID
- Decision: not handled
TICC-266Getting issue details...
- Information: New Document Type: SETU TimeCard
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-265Getting issue details...
- Information: Add to the EUSR BIS that EU statistics must be provided per country
- Decision: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-263Getting issue details...
- Information: Peppol Participant (Corner 4) served by more than one Access Point
- Decision: Duplicate from - TICC-108Getting issue details... STATUS and - TICC-142Getting issue details... STATUS . eDEC to propose a way forward and discuss the possibilities with OO
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-261Getting issue details...
- Information: TSR and EUSR Document Type Identifier is outdated
- Decision: Deprecated existing Reporting Dcument Type Identifiers (for removal per Sept 5th, 2023) and add the new ones
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-259Getting issue details...
- Information: Request to add Participant Identifier scheme 0218
- Decision: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-256Getting issue details...
- Information: Remove participant identifier scheme 9956
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-246Getting issue details...
- Information: update the SMP digest algorithms from SHA-1 to SHA-256
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-235Getting issue details...
- Information: Start definining potential actions for removing identifiers in the Code List States Document. Start with TICC-228
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-234Getting issue details...
- Information: RFC about Ppfuoi changes for PINT - making DDTS officially supported
- Update: Approved in last CMB
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-233Getting issue details...
- Information; Its about a wording issue in the Peppol Envelope Policy (SBDH)
- Update: none
- Responsible: Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed)
TICC-226Getting issue details...
- Information: New SMP API proposal (migration code exchange)
TICC-225Getting issue details...
- Information: New SMP API proposal (health check)
TICC-224Getting issue details...
- Information: New SMP API proposal (identify)
TICC-223Getting issue details...
- Information: Collection issue: Peppol, EESPA, BPC
TICC-218Getting issue details...
- Information: Clarify case sensitivity of Peppol Seat ID
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-206Getting issue details...
- Information: Number of retries on an AS4 level
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-203Getting issue details...
- Information: Please add SHA256 XMLsig to Peppol-SMP specs because Java17-security change
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-202Getting issue details...
- Information: Information about caching of SMP results for usage in a Peppol AP is missing
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-201Getting issue details...
- Information: Review of new/updated OASIS specifications
- Update: none
- Responsible: Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed)
TICC-187Getting issue details...
- Information: Allow 0080 as new Participant Identifier scheme
- Update: none
- Responsible: Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed)
TICC-184Getting issue details...
- Information: Align Participant Identifier Scheme Code lists of PoAC and eDEC
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-174Getting issue details...
- Information: The term "Subject Unique Identifier" in the Peppol SMP specification 1.1.0 requires clarification, as this certificate field is not present in the Peppol certificates.
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-168Getting issue details...
- Information: Have a separate participant identifier prefix for testing purposes.
- Update: none
TICC-167Getting issue details...
- Information: regarding joint information on news and noteworthy
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-166Getting issue details...
- Information: Clarification on the words "custom validation" in the AS4 profile was sought.
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-153Getting issue details...
- Information: https for SMP
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-151Getting issue details...
- Information: (Whitepaper) Enforce people to use SMK for testing?
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-149Getting issue details...
- Information: add a Schematron for verifying the AS4 headers. Updates directly in the issue.
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-146Getting issue details...
- Information: (Whitepaper) Creation of the Whitepaper.
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-142Getting issue details...
- Information: (Whitepaper)
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-140Getting issue details...
- Information: (Whitepaper)
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-19Getting issue details...
- Information: Information on how to determine and handle inactive SMP providers
- Update: none
- Responsible: Philip Helger
, multiple selections available,
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