TICC CMB 2017-12-05 minutes
TICC CMB 2017-12-05 minutes
Date: 2017-12-05
Time: 14.00-16.00 CET
Type of meeting: conference call
Participants and absents
Hans Berg <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery CC Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Oriol Bausà Peris <oriol@invinet.org>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen <svrra@digst.dk>
Observers (without voting right)
Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it> as Pre-award CC Leader
Sören Pedersen <Soren.Pedersen@esv.se> as Post Award CC Leader
Previous eDelivery CMB Minutes
- Approval of minutes from last 2 meetings
- Follow up on decisions from last 2 meetings
- SMP Service Level
- Publication of AS4 specs
- MLR Policy poll
- SBDH specs (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-14)
- PKI status (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q_WyZrjiGLzVGXlAsoCNhhr53-wzmYsK1OSj1nRzPM0/edit#)
- BIS 3.0 issue: Endpoint (AP) ID list (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-9)
- Make PEPPOL Directory capability mandatory for all SMP
- Agreement Framework issues
- References to tech specs: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/AF/issues/AF-9
- SMP SML upgrade to OASIS BDXR 1.0 specs
- Decide on mandate for AP and SMP Testing Workgroup (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-18)
- Scheduled meetings:
- Wed, Dec 20th 15:30-17:00
- Fri, Jan 12th 14:00-16:00
- Fri, Jan 26th 14:00-16:00
Topics not discussed
- Agreement framework issues:
- PEPPOL Authority Compliance
- TICC related:
- France and Austria using one participant Id for all public entities
- Belgium’s trading partner onboarding procedure
- synchronous validation with negative MDNs
- POACC related:
- France and UK has implemented their own BIS
- Participants not supporting BIS, https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/browse/TICC-22
- Other open JIRA issues (https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues?filter=allopenissues)
- It was decided that the SLA for SMPs shall be 99.5% aligning with the TICC CMB decision on Nov 24. Philip Helger, BRZ voted against this proposal (because of missing background information).
- Difi commented line 282 and line 291
- Line 282: Removing the line “The first MIME message part must be the main payload”
Answer Sander: That was removed because of a comment by CEF that this would go beyond the standards. Which is open to interpretation… because it is about an optional MIME parameter. - Line 291: compression with application/gzip is optional -> according to Difi tech guys this “will increase” the implementation costs.
Answer PH: the codelist of AS4 compression algorithms consists only of “application/gzip” so it just makes compression for the sender optional but no additional implementation costs are imposed, because no other compressions algorithms are supported by AS4. It’s really just a MANDATORY to OPTIONAL change. - Not using TLS is a problem for Belgium PEPPOL Authority. Belgium needs to elaborate more and send RFC.
- It was decided to publish the 1.0 version of the OpenPEPPOL AS4 specs. Next steps are:
- We need version 1.0 from Sander incl. Sources (Word + Images)
- Publish on GitHub
- Publish in TICC area on website
- Add note that any changes are to be send to rfc@peppol.eu
- Create LinkedIn message, Tweets etc. (optional)
- AS4 work group should come up with next steps document (upcoming project milestones)
- MLR poll end of vote:
- Olav in favour of Dec. 10th, Sven + Oriol + Hans in favour of Dec 6th, Philip abstain ⇒ close tomorrow EOB
- Philip to provide TVR document until next TICC CMB
- MLR working group to present the necessary options to be decided upon
- Next TICC CMB decides on MLR policy
- SBDH: doc.id and process.id schemes are not visible now.
- The content of the changes proposed by Philip were accepted, but the editing process is not finished, and therefore we cannot publish it yet.
- It may be impacted by the decision on the MLR policy (if sender decides)
- PKI Status
- Technical details are sorted out (same structure as we have, no STS, 2048 Bits, SHA256)
- Can the old system issue certificates after January 26th? Answer: we don’t know
- PEPPOL Invoice 3.0 Endpoint IDs
- Olav send out email with problem explanation
- Code List team needs to do something
- PEPPOL Directory
- Make technical support for PEPPOL Directory mandatory for all SMP implementations as agreed in Warsaw. Unanimously accepted.
- By default all PEPPOL participants should be in the PEPPOL Directory except they opt-out (compared to start empty and have them opt-in). Unanimously accepted.
- PEPPOL Directory team to propose the way forward (dates, tests, what to do).
- Agreement framework
- Hans prepares point for next meeting
- Capability Specification Upgrades (CSU)
- Upgrade to OASIS SMP 1.0 spec together with PEPPOL Directory requirement (OASIS SMP 2.0 is not relevant at the moment)
- Upgrade to OASIS BDXL 1.0 spec
- Workgroup leader unknown so far
- Mandate for test bed
- Olav to present updated mandate next CMB
Action items
- Hans to inform Sander to make AS4 profile spec 1.0
- Hans to inform Ger Clancy on PEPPOL Directory action items
- Philip to create mandate for CSU (see Decision #11)
- Olav to provide updated mandate for test bed (until Dec 15th, eob)
-- EoD
, multiple selections available,
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