2024.06.17 Policy on BIS Billing Country specific rules

2024.06.17 Policy on BIS Billing Country specific rules

The PoAC Change Management Board has approved the RFC on the Policy on BIS Billing Country specific rules. The Policy has been developed by OpenPeppol and is an update of the current Peppol methodology for country specific validation rules based on Seller’s country.

The approval process requires that this Policy must be subject to a review by members.

The following artefact is out for member review:

  • Policy on BIS Billing Country specific rules (see attached document)

Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be submitted via the OpenPeppol Service desk. https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals

Choose the option ‘General support’.

The review period is 4 weeks and ends on 15 Juli 2024. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the PoAC CMB.

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