2023.04.04 RFCs Post Award Community
The Change Management Board has approved several RFCs that are candidates for the upcoming May release. For these RFC solutions have been developed by OpenPeppol. The approval process requires that these solutions must be subject to a review by members. The following documents and artefacts are out for member review:
RFCs for BISes other than Billing-3.0 (Upgrade-3 project)
Order Transaction Syntax:
New optional business term for Manufacturers item identification (tir01-p46). Example updated.
Editorial fix to remove example values from profileID definition.
New optional business term for requesting priority level for delivery (tir01-p47). Example updated.
New optional business term for Catalogue reference (tir01-p45).
New optional business terms for start (tir01-p48) and end (tir01-p49) times in requested delivery period on line.
Order Response Transaction:
New optional business terms for start (tir76-p012) and end (tir76-p013) times in requested delivery period on line.
Catalogue Transaction Syntax:
Editorial fix to remove example values from profileID definition.
Adjusted definition of "PriceLeadTime" to reflect intended use.
Changes to code lists and validation artefacts:
Added code list 4219 for Requested shipping priority.
Rule PEPPOL-COMMON-R050 (validation of Australian Business Number (ABN)) is changed to fatal.
The BIS documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:https://test-docs.peppol.eu/poacc/upgrade-3/2023-q2-member-review/
Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be mailed to reviews@peppol.eu.
The review period is 4 weeks and ends on 1 May 2023. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Operating Office.