2023.09.18 PINT A-NZ specifications v0.9

As part of the publication of the Peppol International invoice (PINT) A-NZ specifications, OpenPeppol announces a member review.

The PINT A-NZ Billing & Self-billing BIS have been drafted to closely align with the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-Billing specifications, sharing the same data model and semantic meanings, and the business rules are functionally the same.

The draft PINT A-NZ Billing & Self-billing BIS can be accessed at Peppol International (PINT) Specifications for Australia & New Zealand. These BIS cover invoice, credit note, self-billed invoice and self-billed credit note transactions.

Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template.
Please do not alter the template. This template must be mailed to reviews@peppol.eu.

The review period is 8 weeks and ends on 10 November 2023. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Australian and New Zealand Peppol Authorities (A-NZ PAs).

Proposal to mandate within the AU and NZ jurisdictions

The specifications will be initially available as optional specifications; however, the A-NZ PAs intend to consult with members on migrating the specifications used in their jurisdictions from the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-Billing specifications to the new PINT A-NZ specifications.

The migration will be formalised at a later stage and will be supported by migration plans specifying the implementation period, at the end of which the PINT A-NZ specifications will be mandated.

Change in documentation approach from the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-billing specifications

In response to feedback from SPs, the PINT specifications will:

  • be made available in a consistent and centralised way, published via a website rather than an MS Word document

    • include both a semantic model and a syntax model, which differs from the existing A-NZ specifications where only the syntax model is documented

    • the semantic model describes the business or conceptual meaning of business terms

    • the syntax model describes how those business terms are implemented in the syntax (‘syntax binding’)

    • where multiple business terms are bound to the same syntax classes and/or elements, the syntax model will show the same element(s) multiple times (e.g. the document level cac:AllowanceCharge class is listed in the syntax model twice to show the use for the Allowance (ibg-20) and Charge (ibg-21) business groups)

    • elements that are required by UBL, but do not have a corresponding semantic business term, are indicated by the description including ‘syntax binding’

    • examples and validation artefacts are made available in the ‘Download Resources’ zip file

  • For consistency of documentation of the Invoice and Credit Note transactions, the rules and schematron are repeated against each on the website; however, as with the existing specifications, the schematron and XSLT validation artefacts are identical for the two transactions.

    • Similarly, the validation artefacts are identical for the Self-billing Invoice and Self-billing Credit Note transactions.

    • The Invoice and Credit Note (Billing) validation artefacts are different to the Self-billing validation artefacts.

  • Rule lists

    • Currently, only the Shared rules, which are common to all PINT Billing specifications, are shown on the Rules page and also against semantic terms and syntax elements.

    • Both the Shared and the A-NZ jurisdiction-specific rules can be seen via the Schematrons page.

    • As the toolset matures, all rules will be listed on the Rules page and listed against semantic terms/syntax elements.