2023.09.18 PINT A-NZ specifications v0.9
As part of the publication of the Peppol International invoice (PINT) A-NZ specifications, OpenPeppol announces a member review.
The PINT A-NZ Billing & Self-billing BIS have been drafted to closely align with the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-Billing specifications, sharing the same data model and semantic meanings, and the business rules are functionally the same.
The draft PINT A-NZ Billing & Self-billing BIS can be accessed at Peppol International (PINT) Specifications for Australia & New Zealand. These BIS cover invoice, credit note, self-billed invoice and self-billed credit note transactions.
Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template.
Please do not alter the template. This template must be mailed to reviews@peppol.eu.
The review period is 8 weeks and ends on 10 November 2023. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Australian and New Zealand Peppol Authorities (A-NZ PAs).
Proposal to mandate within the AU and NZ jurisdictions
The specifications will be initially available as optional specifications; however, the A-NZ PAs intend to consult with members on migrating the specifications used in their jurisdictions from the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-Billing specifications to the new PINT A-NZ specifications.
The migration will be formalised at a later stage and will be supported by migration plans specifying the implementation period, at the end of which the PINT A-NZ specifications will be mandated.
Change in documentation approach from the existing A-NZ Invoice extension and Self-billing specifications
In response to feedback from SPs, the PINT specifications will:
be made available in a consistent and centralised way, published via a website rather than an MS Word document
include both a semantic model and a syntax model, which differs from the existing A-NZ specifications where only the syntax model is documented
the semantic model describes the business or conceptual meaning of business terms
the syntax model describes how those business terms are implemented in the syntax (‘syntax binding’)
where multiple business terms are bound to the same syntax classes and/or elements, the syntax model will show the same element(s) multiple times (e.g. the document level cac:AllowanceCharge class is listed in the syntax model twice to show the use for the Allowance (ibg-20) and Charge (ibg-21) business groups)
elements that are required by UBL, but do not have a corresponding semantic business term, are indicated by the description including ‘syntax binding’
examples and validation artefacts are made available in the ‘Download Resources’ zip file
For consistency of documentation of the Invoice and Credit Note transactions, the rules and schematron are repeated against each on the website; however, as with the existing specifications, the schematron and XSLT validation artefacts are identical for the two transactions.
Similarly, the validation artefacts are identical for the Self-billing Invoice and Self-billing Credit Note transactions.
The Invoice and Credit Note (Billing) validation artefacts are different to the Self-billing validation artefacts.
Rule lists
Currently, only the Shared rules, which are common to all PINT Billing specifications, are shown on the Rules page and also against semantic terms and syntax elements.
Both the Shared and the A-NZ jurisdiction-specific rules can be seen via the Schematrons page.
As the toolset matures, all rules will be listed on the Rules page and listed against semantic terms/syntax elements.