For Production certifiates you MUST attach a copy of your signed(by both parties, member and Peppol Authority) Peppol Service Provider Agreement and you MUST attach a recent copy of your business registration document with every PKI request. (the business registration document is a document verifying that you are registered as a company in your country and it must not be more than three months old). For Test certificates you MUST attach a recent copy of your business registration document with every PKI request. (the business registration document is a document verifying that you are registered as a company in your country and it must not be more than three months old). For Test certificates you MUST either attach a signes(by both parties, member and Peppol Authority) Peppol Service Provider Agreement or a signed Peppol Member form if you don't have a signed Peppol Service Provider agreement yet
Tell us if you are experiencing problems or found issues or errors related to the Peppol Network and Peppol specifications
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