For Production certificates you MUST attach a copy of your signed (by both parties, member and Peppol Authority) Peppol Service Provider Agreement and you MUST attach a recent copy of your business registration document with every PKI request. (the business registration document is a document verifying that you are registered as a company in your country and it must not be more than three months old). For Test certificates you MUST attach a recent copy of your business registration document with every PKI request. (the business registration document is a document verifying that you are registered as a company in your country and it must not be more than three months old). For Test certificates you MUST either attach a signed (by both parties, member and Peppol Authority) Peppol Service Provider Agreement or a signed Peppol Member form if you don't have a signed Peppol Service Provider agreement yet
If you have completed the AS4 onboarding test to become a certified Peppol Access Point provider, please submit your test report along with all other mandatory information needed for this request type. The OpenPeppol Operating Office will review your report, verify your test, and inform you about the next steps.
Tell us if you are experiencing problems or found issues or errors related to the Peppol Network and Peppol specifications
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