POAC CMB minutes 2021-08-05

Date: 2021-08-05

Time: 09:00-10:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/Paul_Simons)


(P) = Present, (E) Excused


Paul Simons as POAC Community Leader (P)

Elected members (with voting right)

Ahti Allikas (P)

Eva Warna (E)

Jan Andre Mærøe (Deactivated) (E)

Simon Foster (P)

Observers (without voting right)

Georg Birgisson (E)

Martin Forsberg (E)

Oscar Glanzmann (E)

Guests (without voting right)


  1. Approval of the meeting minutes

  2. Review of the bug list

  3. Future working of the CMB
  4. Project groups
  5. Date next meeting
  6. Plan 2021

Topics not discussed

Information items


  • Due to a minority of participants, the meeting was informal with discussion on different topics.
  • The date for the next meeting is 2021-09-02 at 09.00.

Action items

Next meetings

  • 2021-09-02 09.00 - 10.30
