TICC CMB 2019-01-18 minutes
TICC CMB 2019-01-18 minutes
Date: 2019-01-18
Time: 14:00-16:00 CET
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)
Participants and absents
Hans Berg (Deactivated) as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>
Risto Collanus (Maventa)
Philip Helger (BRZ Austria)
Bård Langöy (Pagero)
Guests (without voting right)
- magnus.johansson@digg.se (stand-in for POACC Leader Sören Pedersen (Unlicensed))
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Formal decision on the following tickets:
- Plan TICC activities during upcoming 1.5 day face2face meeting (March 26-27 in Brussels).
- Prel agenda skeleton created by Hans Berg (Deactivated), available upon request.
- Remove off boarded SMPs from SML (along with the participants registered). - TICC-19Getting issue details... STATUS
- Info: PKI v.3 migration status
- Annex 4 update - status on the below tasks (docs need to be published no later than Jan 31 2019)
- AS2 v.1.2 (SHA256 update, see proposal in TICC work meeting 2018-04-20) → Jerry Dimitriou to provide draft during next week.
- PEPPOL Policy for the use of identifiers v.4: draft provided by Jerry Dimitriou, see attachment.
- Trust network certificate policy v.2 (decide whether it should be ditched)
- OpenPEPPOL Transport Security Policy v.1 (as decided in TICC work meeting 2018-11-13 minutes) → content issues need to be resolved first (see policy 2 in TICC work meeting 2018-11-13 minutes)
- PEPPOL Directory specs (to cater for mandatory SMP integration) → done, available on http://directory.peppol.eu
- PEPPOL Envelope Specification v1.2 (text/binary) → Jerry Dimitriou to provide draft during next week.
- Decide on release of code lists version 4
- Unresolved tasks and tickets in the Action Log
Topics not discussed
- #3, #4, #5, #8
Information items
- #2 was approved
- #6b:
- Comment document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1watcMxCHb4NJzkzDADcEeCtsT0hjvQuZZunHZZyVg7M/edit#gid=0
- Policy 4.0 PRD1 was published on https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/PEPPOL%20Policy%20for%20use%20of%20identifiers%20v4.0%20Public%20Review%20Draft%201.pdf
- Review period until Sunday 2019-01-27.
- Comment resolution and finalisation meeting 2019-01-28, 15:00 to 17:00 CET
- #6a and #6f
- Jerry is working on these documents
- #6c TICC CMB does not see the necessity to reference the "Trust network certificate policy" in the TIAs.
- #6d Mail for expert comment/opinion was sent out; feedback until Tuesday 22nd, EOB
- #6e nothing to do
- #7 was approved
- Approval of the following meeting minutes
- See eDelivery CMB decision log.
Action items
- see TICC CMB action log.
, multiple selections available,
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