eDelivery CMB meeting 2019-11-27 minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2019-11-27 minutes

Date: 2019-11-27

Time: 14:00-15:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/811447525)

Participants and absents


Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Risto Collanus (Visma)

Bård Langöy (Pagero)

Hans Berg (Deactivated) (Tickstar)

Guests (without voting right)

Philip Helger (OpenPEPPOL OO)


  1. Approval of minutes
  2. New tasks and Issues
  3. Actions
  4. Information items
  5. AoB

Approval of Minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2019-11-06 minutes


New tasks and Issues

Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10226

  1. TICC-104 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: https://docs.peppol.eu/poacc/billing/3.0/codelist/eas/ contains most of the ..:VAT numbers; but 9912 EU:VAT is missing
    2. Decision: Approved for v6 release; deprecated the xx:VAT and undeprecate EU:VAT should happen together
    3. Action: Change in codelist; communicate to POAC (Paul) and PRAC (Isabella, Jerry) and CEF EAS (Georg) and PAs (Klaus and Lefteris);
    4. Responsible: Philip Helger
  2. TICC-105 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: ask for clarification on intention of including 0194
    2. Action: discuss again when information are provided
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  3. TICC-106 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Not 100% correct text in table 7 on "PMode[].BusinessInfo.Service.type". Should be a link and not a fixed value
    2. Decision: make editorial changes but don't create a new release of the AS4 spec
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  4. TICC-107 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: add SimplerInvoicing 1.2 to the Codelist for Document Type IDs
    2. Decision: approved
    3. Action: Add to the document type code list.
    4. Responsible: Philip Helger


  1. Publish version 6 of the codelists after implementing the changes of TICC-104 - Getting issue details... STATUS and TICC-107 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Decision: Approved, but without column "Validation Rules" of the participant identifier scheme code list


Action log: eDelivery CMB action log

Actions handled in this meeting:

  1. Peppol Policy for identifiers 4.1.0 publishing is open (alignment with new Agreement structure)
  2. TICC-95 - Getting issue details... STATUS   now closed
  3. TICC-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS see mail from Philip 2019-11-18, 18:20 (to Hans and Bard)
  4. Migration policy for AS2 v2 spec., visit TICC CMB 2019-02-12 minutes for input on this topic.
    1. See also TICC work meeting 2018-04-20 with the update of 2019-01-29; the official approval was missing
  5. Provide a list of validation rules for the participant identifiier schemes (Bård Langöy and Philip Helger)
    1. Was decided to not include it in v6 release but v7 (or later) for quality ensurance

Actions not handled in this meeting:

  1. #

Information/Discussion items

  1. Next meeting on Wednesday December 4th, 2pm to 4pm
