TICC CMB 2019-02-15 minutes

TICC CMB 2019-02-15 minutes

 Date: 2019-02-15

Time: 14:00-16:00 CET

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/704521469)

Participants and absents


Hans Berg (Deactivated) as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Kristiansen, Olav Astad <Olav.AstadKristiansen@difi.no>

Risto Collanus (Maventa)

Philip Helger (BRZ Austria)

Bård Langöy (Pagero)

Guests (without voting right)


  1. Approval of minutes
    1. TICC CMB 2019-02-06 minutes
    2. TICC CMB 2019-02-12 minutes
  2. Reporting WG
  3. Decide on a date when "PEPPOL Policy for Transport Security will be mandated" (it now says "scheduled" at https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/PEPPOL-EDN-Policy-for-Transport-Security-1.0-2019-01-31.pdf), same as for "PEPPOL Directory".
  4. Plan TICC activities during upcoming 1.5 day face2face meeting (March 26-27 in Brussels).
    1. Prel agenda skeleton created by Hans Berg (Deactivated), available upon request.
  5. OASIS BDXR SMP 2.0 specs for SMPs
  6. Remove off boarded SMPs from SML (along with the participants registered).  https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/projects/TICC/issues/TICC-19
  7. Info: PKI v.3 migration status
  8. Decide on a process for the approval of identifiers across POACC and TICC (see attachment for details).
  9. Unresolved tasks and tickets in the Action Log

Topics not discussed

Information items

  1. #2 Reporting Workgroup: TICC CMB has a couple of concerns:
    1. need of tracking country code on participant level
    2. the C3's to report. It should suffice if C2s report what they sent.
    3. Receiver reporting should be done by SMPs.
    4. The integrity of the reports from APs. As it is now suggested, any AP could theoretically report data for any other PEPPOL AP.
  2. #3
    1. It becomes mandatory when the new TIA Annex 4 becomes mandatory (like PEPPOL Directory Spec)
  3. #5
    1. OASIS BDXR SMP 2.0 currently in public review; BDXR SMP 1.0 is the last released version
    2. Complete CSPRD02 docs: http://docs.oasis-open.org/bdxr/bdx-smp/v2.0/csprd02/bdx-smp-v2.0-csprd02.zip
    3. The public review starts February 12 at 00:00 UTC and ends March 12, 2019 at 23:59 UTC.

  4. #8
    1. The attached document is only a snippet from a document according to Georg


  1. TICC CMB 2019-02-06 minutes and TICC CMB 2019-02-12 minutes were approved

Action items

  1. see TICC CMB action log.


  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document 2018-11-06 Registration of identifiers in Peppol PH.docx

Feb 15, 2019 by Hans Berg (Deactivated)