eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-04-20 minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-04-20 minutes
Date: 2020-04-22
Time: 09:00-11:00 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/MartinMane)
Participants and absents
Martin Mane (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Bård Langöy (Pagero) (appologies received)
Hans Berg (Deactivated) (Tickstar)
Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)
Espen Korra (DigDir)
Guests (without voting right)
Philip Helger (OpenPEPPOL OO)
- Approval of minutes
- New tasks and Issues
- Actions
- Information items
- AoB
Approval of Minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-03-11 minutes
New tasks and Issues
Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10226
TICC-129Getting issue details...
- Decision: Get POAC approval and ask for process identifiers
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-128Getting issue details...
- Decision: Basically approved. Also mentioning Peppol Directory.
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-127Getting issue details...
- Infomation
- 0202: ISO 6523 registration form needed - cross check with Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it
- 9958: tell EAS to deprecate this in favour of 0204
- 9908: ask Norwegian PA to ask for official mail
- Responsible: Philip Helger
- Infomation
TICC-126Getting issue details...
- Decision: approved
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-124Getting issue details...
- Decision Get POAC approval and ask for document type identifier and process identifier
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-123Getting issue details...
- Decision: approved
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-122Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes were performed. Now publication needs to be initiated.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-121Getting issue details...
- It was decided to go ahead with the separate publication of XSD and WSDL for SMP and SML specifications
- Information: filename changes to be done
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-117Getting issue details...
TICC-118Getting issue details...
- The is just pre-information. We requested more details.
TICC-114Getting issue details...
- Information:Meeting minutes DC OO 12 not yet sent out
TICC-113Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes were performed. Now publication needs to be initiated.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-112Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes were performed. Now publication needs to be initiated.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-109Getting issue details...
- Information: Come of with a proposal for internal circulation
- Action: Philip Helger to outline consequences; create an Excel with all actions on all code lists, analyze dependencies and evaluate the potential impact
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-108Getting issue details...
- Information:
- Multiple SMPs for a single participant
- Multiple APs for the same document type
- Internal routing in Peppol is currently out of scope
- Decision: parked
- Information:
TICC-104Getting issue details...
- Decision: parked
TICC-99Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes were performed. Now publication needs to be initiated.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-98Getting issue details...
- Information: depends on TICC-99
TICC-95Getting issue details...
- Information: waiting for DC OO meeting minutes (see also TICC-114 and TICC-115)
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-84Getting issue details...
- Information: no downside when this gets clarified in the specification
- Action: make changes to Peppol SMP 1.2.0 specification
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-73Getting issue details...
- Information: parked, maybe related with DDTC/PINT
TICC-72Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes were performed. Publication is not necessary
TICC-70Getting issue details...
- Information: Evaluate and report next time
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-68Getting issue details...
- Information: AS2 is fine, AS4 is fine, Peppol SMP uses SHA-1
- New workgroup DDTS for PINT
- Information: Mandate created by POAC for supporting "dynamic receiving capabilities". Extracted from the POAC PINT (Peppol International Invoicing) work group.
- Decision: Mandate approved
- Mail from Jerry on moving artifacts to doc.peppol.eu:
- Information: Movement of documents to docs.peppol.eu. Requires the issues - TICC-119Getting issue details... STATUS , - TICC-120Getting issue details... STATUS , - TICC-121Getting issue details... STATUS and - TICC-122Getting issue details... STATUS to be resolved.
- Decision: An agreement was made
- Action: Philip to take care of this, also providing an index file
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-19Getting issue details...
see mail from Philip 2019-11-18, 18:20 (to Hans and Bard)
- Still open
- Ensure Confluence users for Iacopo and Espen are available
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
Action log: eDelivery CMB action log
Actions handled in this meeting:
Actions not handled in this meeting:
- #
Information/Discussion items
- Next meeting on Thursday April 30th, 9:00 to 11:00 CEST
- EDEC CMB will be moved to Thursday 9:00 to 11:00 CEST, every 2 weeks, starting with April 30th
, multiple selections available,
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