eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-08-20 minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-08-20 minutes
Date: 2020-08-20
Time: 09:00-09:30 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/MartinMane)
Participants and absents
Martin Mane (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader
Elected members (with voting right)
Bård Langöy (Pagero) (excused)
Hans Berg (Deactivated) (Tickstar) (excused)
Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)
Espen Kørra (Unlicensed) (DigDir) (excused)
Guests (without voting right)
Philip Helger (OpenPEPPOL OO)
- Approval of minutes
- Note Out-of-session approvals
- New tasks and Issues
- Actions
- Information items
- AoB
Approval of Minutes
eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-07-09 minutes
Out of Session Approvals
CMB noted out of session approvals for TICC-135, TICC-136, TICC-137
New tasks and Issues
Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10226
TICC-143Getting issue details...
- Information: It was decided, that the value MUST be checked since it is a "MUST" in the specification. Messages having a different value MUST be rejected.
- Decision: A clarification to be written in the issue and communicated to the caller.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-142Getting issue details...
- Information: "Participant highjacking" happened quite often in Singapore some time ago.
- Decision: To be parked for discussion in future CMB meetings.
TICC-141Getting issue details...
TICC-140Getting issue details...
- Information: It's about the harmonization of identifier values and identifier schemes.
- Action: To be parked for discussion in the upcoming CC meeting.
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-139Getting issue details...
- Information: New document type identifier for Italian Despatch Advice
- Action: Add to code list. Create a 7.2 release of the code lists.
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-138Getting issue details...
- Information: New participant identifier scheme for GS1
- Action: Postpone the decision, until the final rules are available from GS1. It was decided to assign "BE:GS1" as the alphanumeric identifier for usage in BIS2 based documents.
- Responsible: Philip Helger
TICC-134Getting issue details...
- Information: Changes approved.
- Update: Issue closed
TICC-133Getting issue details...
- Update: No changes
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-132Getting issue details...
- Update: Still pending
- Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
TICC-98Getting issue details...
- Update: none
TICC-19Getting issue details...
- Update: Philip to send the summary to EDEC CMB for further evaluation
- Responsible: Philip Helger
Action log: eDelivery CMB action log
Actions handled in this meeting:
Actions not handled in this meeting:
- #
Information/Discussion items
- Next meeting on Thursday September 3rd, 9:00 to 11:00 CEST
- Philip gave a short update on the SML 2.0 working group
- Philip gave a short update on the DDTS working group
, multiple selections available,