eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-11-26 minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-11-26 minutes

Date: 2020-11-26

Time: 09:00-09:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/MartinMane)

Participants and absents


Martin Mane (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Bård Langöy (Pagero)

Hans Berg (Deactivated) (Tickstar)

Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)

Espen Kørra (Unlicensed) (DigDir)

Guests (without voting right)

Philip Helger (OpenPEPPOL OO) 


  1. Approval of minutes
  2. New tasks and Issues
  3. Actions
  4. Information items
  5. AoB

Approval of Minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-11-12 minutes


New tasks and Issues

Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10226

  1. TICC-153 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: https for SMP; Philip sent out an email with a decision basis paper;
    2. Decision: Present at the next
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  2. TICC-152 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: End to End security; in progress
    2. Decision:
    3. Responsible:  Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
  3. TICC-151 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Enforce people to use SMK for testing?
    2. Decision: Part of the Whitepaper.
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  4. TICC-149 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: add a Schematron for verifying the AS4 headers?
    2. Decision: The group sees value in this. Next step is to discuss it with OO to determine who is in charge, and who will publish it.
    3. Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
  5. TICC-146 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Creation of the Whitepaper. No further updates.
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  6. TICC-142 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Part of Whitepaper.
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  7. TICC-140 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Part of Whitepaper
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  8. TICC-138 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: No further update
    2. Action: Still parked.
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  9. TICC-133 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: No further update
    2. Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
  10. TICC-132 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Pulbication of the eDEC specification backlog.
    2. Update: Package was send to the Agreement Coordinator.
    3. Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
  11. TICC-98 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: none
  12. TICC-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: Part of Whitepaper
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger



Action log: eDelivery CMB action log

Actions handled in this meeting:

Actions not handled in this meeting:

Information/Discussion items

  1. Next meeting on Thursday December 10th, 9:00 to 11:00 CET
  2. Publication of Code Lists 7.3 need to be followed
  3. Change process for eDEC documents to be referenced in the TIA Annex 4
    1. eDEC Leader send to Agreement Coordinator (Jostein)
    2. He sends it to the PAs for review
    3. The PAs need to consult with SPs
    4. The PA have a vote and need a 75% quorum for accepting it
    5. Then the 6 month grace period starts


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