eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-06-11 minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-06-11 minutes

Date: 2020-06-11

Time: 09:00-11:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/MartinMane)

Participants and absents


Martin Mane (Unlicensed) as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Bård Langöy (Pagero)

Hans Berg (Deactivated) (Tickstar)

Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)

Espen Kørra (Unlicensed) (DigDir)

Guests (without voting right)

Philip Helger (OpenPEPPOL OO)


  1. Approval of minutes
  2. New tasks and Issues
  3. Actions
  4. Information items
  5. AoB

Approval of Minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2020-05-28 minutes


New tasks and Issues

Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10226

  1. TICC-133 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Conduct a survey, asking EDEC members for their effective limits
      1. Ask the AP vendor/software product + version
      2. What application server and version are you using?
      3. Ask for maximum transmission size
      4. Ask for maximum SBDH payload size (UBL XML)
      5. Ask if this size is identical for all document types
      6. Is there a difference between the maximum XML size and the UBL attachment size?
        1. Is there a maximum file size "per attachment" in place?
        2. Is there a maximum number of attachments in place
        3. Is there a maximum file size for "all attachments" in total in place?
      7. Are you using the Peppol Schematrons for validation?
    2. Update:
      1. Questions are final
      2. will be send out to EDEC members list with a template for responding
      3. Philip to collect and aggregate the responses
      4. Respond until end of June (~2 weeks); no interference with Holiday season expected
      5. Split all questions into sending and receiving side
      6. Security considerations on collecting this information - ensure that collected data will not be published and used only internally in OpenPeppol
    3. Responsible: Martin Mane (Unlicensed)
  2. TICC-132 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Philip currently drafting a document.
    2. Update: Send to EDEC CMB until 2020-06-18
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  3. TICC-109 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: Release cycles and impact analysis on code list changes
      1. Package up changes
      2. Alignment with POAC (on multiple levels)
      3. Don't limit us to other (like  POAC) release cycles
      4. Keep the same day of week for publications
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  4. TICC-98 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: none
  5. TICC-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: Philip to send the summary to EDEC CMB for further evaluation
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger



Action log: eDelivery CMB action log

Actions handled in this meeting:

Actions not handled in this meeting:

  1. #

Information/Discussion items

  1. Codelist v7 was published: https://docs.peppol.eu/edelivery/codelists/
  2. EDEC was asking OO on a common process for publishing new artefacts (Website, Mailing lists etc.)
  3. SML 2.0 workgroup
    1. Working through the different use cases
    2. Alignment with Peppol Directory needs to be clarified
  4. Next meeting on Thursday June 25th, 9:00 to 11:00 CEST


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