26 — 2018-09-19 — Team meeting minutes

26 — 2018-09-19 — Team meeting minutes

This document covers the proceedings of the work group meeting.

Next online meeting: Wednesday, September 26, 14:00 to 16:00 CEST

Roll Call of Attendees

P=present, E=excused

Georg BirgissonMidran LtdP
Serge LibertBosa
Dirk WillekensBosaP
Erlend KlakeggDIFI
Jan MæroeDIFI
Martin ForsbergEcru
Sara FacchinettiInfoCert
Iacopo ArduiniIntercent-ER
Elisa BertocchiIntercent-ERP
Siw MeckelborgDIFI / EdiSysP
Helena AskVisma
Peter DankoE-delivery
Andriana PrentzaUnipi
Jerry DimitriouUnipi
Charlotte SkovhusMySupplyP
Ole Ellerbæk MadsenERST
Arne Johan LarsenEquinor(Statoil)P
Thomas PettersonSFTIP
Sören LennartsonSFTI
Jalini SrisgantharajahDIFIP



  1. Approval of agenda and roll call.
  2. Schematron work.
  3. Status on tasks.
  4. Status and plan. Prepare for Public review.
  5. AOB.
  • Decision Log

    DECISIONS TAKEN IN THIS MEETING. Please see minutes for Decisions. Log of all decisions

    Issue and Action Log

    Following tasks were raised in this meeting. For overview of tasks go to Task report - All 

Meeting notes

1. Approval of agenda and roll call

Agenda approved and attendance noted in attendance table.

2. Schematron work.

Resources for schematron have been sourced.

Automatically generated rules have been generated and compared to the BIS2 rules, listing those that need to manually edited http://test-docs.peppol.eu/poacc/upgrade-3/changes/rules/ Following list show number of rules pr. transactions that need to be manually crated and who will address them.

  • Despatch advice,  7rules, Iacopo
  • Order agreement, 9rules, Iacopo
  • Invoice Reponse, 2rules, Georg
  • Order, 16rules, Siw
  • Order response, 3rules, Siw
  • Punch out, 19rules, Georg → Edmund Grey or Martin
  • Catalogue business, 16rules, Georg → Edmund Grey or Martin
  • Catalogue response, 2rules, Georg → Edmund Grey or Martin

Following needs to be done for the rules for each transaction:

  1. Copy the rule statements from BIS2 into a new BIS3 file, named
  2. Verify that the xpaths in the rules are ok.
  3. Modify calculations and conditions in line with BIS3, billing. Special consideration to VAT rules.
  4. Renumber rules using format PEPPOL-Txx-Rnnn with sequential numbers.
  5. Modify rules structure based on guideline provided by Siw
  6. Adopt relevant new rules from BIS3 Billing as identified by Siw.

All team members are encouraged to identify and point out ways to improve the overall quality of schematron rules.

Charlotte has offered to test the rules as they are developed. 

Charlotte offered to create test files for rules.

There are a few issues in Jira that have been carried over from the fall release that need to closed.

3. Status of tasks.

Open tasks were reviewed and status updated.

4. Plan and preparation for public review

Schematrons and testing will not be ready by Monday. Aiming to initiate review later in that week or following Monday. Focus on next weeks meeting is to approve the Release Candidate.


None raised.

Meeting closed at 15:30 CEST.

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