02 — 2018-02-06 — Team meeting minutes

02 — 2018-02-06 — Team meeting minutes

This document covers the proceedings of the work group meeting.

Next online meeting: Wednesday, February 14th. 14:00-15:00 CET

Roll Call of Attendees

P=present, E=excused

Georg BirgissonMidran LtdP
Serge LibertBosaP
Dirk WillekensBosaP
Erlend KlakeggDIFIP
Jan MæroeDIFIP
Martin ForsbergEcruP
Sara FacchinettiInfoCertP
Iacopo ArduiniIntercent-ER
Elisa BertocchiIntercent-ERP
Siw MeckelborgDIFI / EdiSysP
Helena AskVismaP
Peter Danco



  1. Approval of agenda and roll call
  2. Introduction of Confluence work space. https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PB3UWG/overview
  3. Review and discussion of draft gap analysis, https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PB3UWG/pages/180125738/Working+documents
  4. AOB
    1. New project name

Decision Log

DECISIONS TAKEN IN THIS MEETING. Please see minutes for Decisions. Log of all decisions





2-1Call for new requirementsExecutiveAgreed to accept rfc's until Monday Feb 19th but not actively call for new requirements.
2-2BII2 as sourceFromalBIS's based on BII3 and not BII will continue to be so.

NOTE: Formal decisions are taken in line with provisions in the Statutes. Internal Decisions are standing rules that are adopted and may be reflected in Internal Regulations. Executive Decisions are of an operational nature

Issue and Action Log

Following tasks were raised in this meeting. For overview of tasks go to Task report - All

Meeting notes

Approval of agenda and roll call

Agenda approved and attendance noted in attendance table.

Introduction of Confluence work space

Introduced and found acceptable by the team.

Review and discussion of draft gap analysis

Draft of scope and disposition reviewed.

Regarding the activity of processing new requirements. Agreed that the project will process and adopt new requirements. Differences of opinion whether that includes proactively calling for new requirements from PEPPOL members or that team only processes those given to it by CMB. Agreed to keep an open date for new requirements until February 19th, Monday but notify CMB of the issue and adjust project timeline if requested by CMB.

It is noted the the Mandate does not identify work on schematrons. Agreed that work requires creating new schematron rules and modifying existing ones. Notify CMB and request modification to Mandate and necessary provision of resource.

The Mandate states that the work shall be based on BII2. The team notes that some of existing BIS specifications are based on BII3 and one is originated in PEPPOL. Consequently the mandate will interpreted that the BIS specification will continue to be based on their current source. Work will not include upgrading to new source.

List of gaps.

The team reviewed draft list of gaps taken from the Invoice gap analysis. Agreed that Siw, Georg and Martin will make first proposal on how to address these gaps across the BIS's and present in next meeting.


New project name.

Recognized that the name of the project can be confused with the name of the BII3 Invoice projects. Ask team members for new name proposal.

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