01 — 2018-01-31 — Team meeting minutes

01 — 2018-01-31 — Team meeting minutes

This document covers the proceedings of the work group meeting.

Next online meeting: Tuesday, February 6th 9:00-10:00 CET

Roll Call of Attendees

P=present, E=excused

Georg BirgissonMidran LtdP
Serge LibertBosaP
Dirk WillekensBosaP
Erlend KlakeggDIFIP
Jan MæroeDIFIP
Martin ForsbergEcruE
Sara FacchinettiInfoCertE
Iacopo ArduiniIntercent-ERE
Elisa BertocchiIntercent-ERE
Siw MeckelborgDIFI / EdiSysE
Helena AskVismaE


  1. Approval of agenda.
  2. Introduction of participants.
  3. Project planning.
    1. Mandate.
    2. Timeline.
    3. Communication and document sharing.
  4. Phase 1 Scope and disposition ending 14. feb 2018.
  5. Meeting schedule and action items.
  6. AOB.

Decision Log

DECISIONS TAKEN IN THIS MEETING. Please see minutes for Decisions.






BIS specifications and technical artifacts will be stored in GitHub.



General document and communication will be done with Confluence.



Weekly meetings on Wednesdays 14-15 CET until changed


NOTE: Formal decisions are taken in line with provisions in the Statutes. Internal Decisions are standing rules that are adopted and may be reflected in Internal Regulations. Executive Decisions are of an operational nature

Issue and Action Log

Following tasks were raised in this meeting. For overview of tasks go to Task report - All

Meeting notes

Approval of agenda.

Agenda approved

Introduction of participants.

Noted in table above

Project planning.


Reviewed and accepted without comments.


Timeline in mandate reviewed and accepted with the change to allow one more week for phase 1, scoping.

Communication and document sharing.

Documents storage and sharing agreed as following:

  • Meeting minutes and general working documents - In PEPPOL confluence.
  • BIS specifications - GitHub
  • Test artifacts - GitHub

Workspaces for the project will be setup in the two tools. Erlend will arrange setup in GitHug and Georg in Confluence.

Communication will be by using Confluence and will generally be to all PoAcc members, i.e. not limited to the team members.

Phase 1 Scope and disposition ending 14. feb 2018.

Agreed as first task to create a list if known gaps between the BIS vs EN invoice. Georg Birgisson will work with Siw Midtgård Meckelborg (Unlicensed)on initial draft for next meeting.

Tasks for identifying other issues will be addressed later.

Meeting schedule and action items.

Agreed to have weekly meetings while the project is starting up.

General meeting time will be Wednesdays 14:00 to 15:00.

Next meeting, nr 2, will however be February 6th at 9:00 - 10:00 CET


Recognized that the project is dependant on significant resources.

Resourcing is expected to be handled by PoAcc CMB.