Removing MLR for BIS3 Upgate team deliverables

Removing MLR for BIS3 Upgate team deliverables

OutcomeThe MLR BIS36A remains on the BIS3 upgrade list of deliverables..
Due date


In the BIS3 upgrade project meeting 9, on 2018-04-04, we discussed that issue that there have been challenges to the MLR, that it either needs to be modified or that it will be replaced with a new document, TVR (correct name?).

The PEPPOL BIS3 upgrade team proposed that the upgrade of the MLR to BIS3 will not be carried out by this work team but instead carried out by the team that is responsible for upgrading the MLR or developing its replacement document.

The CMB meeting on 2018-05-03 decided to keep the BIS on the deliverables list because even if the MLR will be replaced with TVR, the TVR is mainly a policy issue and will use the MLR message as a component.

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