How get access to Mercurius portal?

How get access to Mercurius portal?


80% of the support questions relate to the access to the Mercurius Portal. The present FAQ provides the information needed to get access, or understand limitations that may impair accessibility (non-belgian citizens or companies). It is structured in 4 sections, each section addressing a specific pattern:

I am an administrator or manager, or fulfill a function that makes me legal representative of the company.

Normal scenario:

In this case you should have immediate access to the Mercurius portal, as representative of the company. This means you can immediately (1°) view all invoices sent to the government (* ) and (2°) send an invoice to the government (https://digital.belgium.be/e-invoicing/) using the web form available in the portal.
(* ) if your company has not yet sent any invoice, the list of invoices that is displayed, is empty.

Abnormal scenario:

If, after logging in to the Mercurius portal, you get the message "Sorry, you have no authorization for a business. Therefore you can not use this site. For more information, please consult CSAM" (* ) : this means that your function is not registered in the CBE. You can check this by surfing on the CBE Public search interface (http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?lang=en ):

  • enter your enterprise number (alternatively, select "new search by name" and type the exact name of your company)
  • the web site will return the page with the company data. Go to the section, "legal functions". Your name is probably not listed, as it should.

In that case, go (back) to the "home" section of the CBE Public search interface. At the right side of the screen,it displays a text box containing instructions to follow to regularize your enterprise data. You can also contact the CBE-cell for more specific support. Email and telephone are available at http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/glossarium.html
(* ) 

Sorry, your eID card is not linked to any company. Please find more information on https://www.csam.be/en/index.html

I am not a legal representative of the company, but I am in charge of outgoing invoices to the government for the company.
Therefore I need to access the site.

If you do not have a valid legal function within the company, you will not have access to the website and you will receive the following error message as below. You must obtain authorisation from the company before you can access the Mercurius portal on its behalf.

In this capacity, how can you access the Mercurius portal and see invoices on the Mercurius portal?

Brief explanation

You take the next 2 steps:
Step 1 : You request access via the form "Role request : Invoicing responsible ".
Step 2 : The (Main) Access Manager of your company will be notified of the role request via email, with a link to the role request.
After approval of the role request by the access manager, the requester receives a confirmation email and the Invoicing Manager has immediate access to the Mercurius portal.

Detailed explanation

You request access via the form "Role request : Invoicing responsible".

After submitting the Role Request form, the screen confirming the Role Request appears.

This screen offers you the possibility to save a copy of the confirmation of the role request on which all data of the applicant and the respective company are mentioned.

By submitting the "Role request: Invoicing responsible" form, the (Main) Access Manager of your company will be informed of the role request via email.
The email contains a link to the overview of all open requests in another application called "My eGOV Role Request". This link must be followed by the access manager in order to approve the appointment of the candidate for the role in the aforementioned application.
Once the Role Request has been approved by the Access Manager, the Requestor for the Role of the Invoicing Manager receives a confirmation email of the approval of the Role Request and the Invoicing Manager in question has immediate access to the Mercurius portal.

If no action is taken within a reasonable period of time by the Access Manager or the Legal representative on the Role Request, it is recommended that the Role Requestor contacts the Access Manager or the legal representative. 

In case of trouble using my eGOV Roles management, please send a support request .

I need to represent several companies. is it possible?


As Legal Representative this is automatic. You will see immediately all invoices of all companies you legally represent provided your enterprise data in the CBE are correct  and be able to send invoices for all of them.

As Billing Officer each company you represent must appoint you the role billing officer, following the procedure documented at I am not a legal representative of the company, but I am in charge of outgoing invoices to the government for the company. Therefore I need to access the site.

Selection on company is possible after login in Mercurius.

I am representing a non-Belgian company. How do i get access?

Access to Mercurius is based on enterprise data available through Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) in Belgium ( http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?lang=en ). Keeping this in mind, enterprises not registered in CBE cannot have access to the Mercurius portal. This is however only in a small numbers of cases a problem, since most of the suppliers to the government have regular activities in Belgium and therefore should be registered in CBE.

On top of this, the electronic identity card (EID) is at this moment the only possible identification accepted. Only owners of such a card can use the Mercurius portal. More specifically, this concerns only Belgian citizens and non-Belgian residents in Belgium.

Remark: to be able to send invoices to public entities, access to the Mercurius portal is not necessary. Public entities adhere the European interoperability framework PEPPOL. This framework consists of a transnational transport infrastructure. More than 200 Access Points are available all over Europe. ICT companies develop global solutions based on this interoperability framework and transport infrastructure. A list of available Access points can be found at https://peppol.eu/who-is-who/peppol-certified-aps/. More information on PEPPOL in Belgium can be found at Belgian PEPPOL Authority.

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