2024.12.19 review PASR Germany

2024.12.19 review PASR Germany

The Peppol Authority of Germany, KoSIT, has submitted a revised Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR) for approval by the APP CMB, in order to be included in the Peppol Interoperability Framework.

According to the Internal Regulations, the approval process requires that PASR shall be subject to a review by members.

Changes have been made on section 6, Use of local interoperability specifications. Therefore only this section is subject to the review. Comments on other parts of the PASR must be submitted as an RFC through the service desk.

To accommodate the changes, KoSIT has provided a migration plan which may also be commented on.

Any comments you have are to be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be submitted via the Service Desk of OpenPeppol.  General support

Please use ‘review PASR Germany’ in the topic when submitting. This will optimize the processing.

The review period ends on 20 January 2025. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and made available to the Peppol Authority of Germany and to the APP CMB.