2024.12.20 review PASR France

2024.12.20 review PASR France


At the request of French stakeholders and authorised by the Managing Committee in its decision of 11 December 2024, OpenPeppol has taken the responsibility to act as an interim Peppol Authority for France, until the French Tax Administration (DGFIP) is ready to assume the role, a move that is expected later in 2025.

This development brings into fruition a long process with a lot of effort spent in designing and implementing an exchange framework to meet the requirements of the French Reform for eInvoicing and eReporting, undertaken as part of the French PoC project. The French PoC has been running since 2022, aiming to establish an interoperability environment for the communication between Service Providers authorized by the French government over the Peppol Network.

In order to bring into production the results of the French PoC, OpenPeppol brings a set of Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR) for France to be reviewed by OpenPeppol members and then approved by the APP CMB, in order to be included in the Peppol Interoperability Framework. The French PASR are complemented by two documents - the Enterprise Interoperability Architecture and the Solution Architecture, which contain all the technical information needed to implement the French requirements and constitute an integral part of the French PASR, and they are also under review.

The Review Process

According to the Internal Regulations, the approval process requires that PASR shall be subject to a review by members. Together with these PASR you will find the architecture documents for the French implementation.

Any comments you have are to be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be submitted via the Service Desk of OpenPeppol.  General support

Please use ‘review PASR France’ in the topic when submitting. This will optimize the processing. Comments are welcome on all three documents.

The review period ends on 20 January 2025. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and made available to the APP CMB.


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