Cross community TVR follow up meeting

Cross community TVR follow up meeting

Date: 2018-06-04

Time: 14:00-15:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/xxx)

Participants and absents


Pedersen, Sören <soren.pedersen@esv.se> as PoACC Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Maroe, Jan <jan.andre.maroe@difi.no> (Difi)

Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>, BRZ Austria

Allikas, Ahti <ahti.allikas@opuscapita.com>, OpusCapita

Ciciriello, Carmen <carmen.ciciriello@celeris-group.eu>, Celeris-Group

Observers (without voting right)

Rapisarda Isabella <isabella.rapisarda@consip.it> as Pre-award CC Leader

Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com> as eDelivery Community Leader

Previous meeting minutes



  1. Summary of previous meeting (4th May)
    1. André and Hans continued to discuss the pros and cons of TVR and or escalation to PA.
    2. Action Item (Hans+Sören): André would like to see TICC and POACC to suggest routines on how to increase the quality in the network. Who is responsibility of corner 1 and what should courner 2 do to enforce corner 1 to live up.
    3. Action Item (Sören+André): Read TVR document especially page 7.
    4. Action Item (Hans): Inform TICC of the process.
    5. Action Item (Hans): Send background and decision document to MC (first a dialogue between André and Hans)
    6. Action Item (MC): Take a decision on TVR.
  2. AOB  

Outstanding and new issues:

  • Meeting minutes from meeting 4th of May:

      • André summarized the current organisational situation and how it affects the current situation
      • Discuss how the problems of bad quality messages from senders can be dealt with at the sender side through a combination of validation efforts made by the sender and QA of the incoming messages from C1 at the responsibility of the sending AP in C2 before sending it to C3.
      • Marcus added that C3 could mistakenly validate using old version of schematron.
      • André pointed out that C3 do not have any responsibility of doing validation but should only forward message.
      • Philip states that if somebody is in breach with TIA somebody needs to follow up. TVR = alarm system.
      • Ahti states cost is in C3 (receivers side). Simple way to tell sender that message is not validated.
      • Ahti states that IT systems always have bugs.
      • Georg what are the main causes of C1 creating problems.
      • Ahti states that we only have assumptions about why C1 is causing problems (sending invalid messages).
      • Assumptions why invalid messages are send:
        • Invalid (out-of-date) (cached) routing data is used (endpoint URL) - has no impact on quality of message per se
        • Old (out of date) validation artefacts are used
        • Bug in software (C1 or C2)
        • Senders are not validating (for different reasons)
        • Senders are used to bilateral bug fixing
        • Validation rules/artefacts may contain errors as well
      • Make authorities aware of their responsibility
      • Marcus states that service providers would like to solve these problems themselves before escalating to a PA. Doubt that PA can handle this responsibility.  Also the costs will become an issue in the long term.
      • Carmen states that we need to increase maturity in a structured way.
      • Even if there is a clause in the TIA it is clear that there is no consensus about the AP role in the network. Some AP:s see their role only as a postman.
      • Validation should be done on sender side
      • Problem could initiate at C1, AP:s customer, or C2 when the AP service provider is e.g. doing conversion on behalf of their customer in C1.
      • Cost for low quality is on receivers side in manual handling, etc
      • Big geographical differences in quality
      • PEPPOL Authorities are only partially capable to handle their responsibility to monitor compliance and follow up on non-compliance among AP providers they have signed PEPPOL TIA with.
      • Additional comments:
      • Marcus agrees that it is good to have something about contract between C1 and C2 in the TIA.
      • Ahti states that PEPPOL should not interfere with commercial agreements between C1 and C2.
      • André and Ahti agrees that PEPPOL could provide guidance.
      • E-delivery needs to be able to handle other scenarios like e.g. the ones we see in pre-award.
      • The cost for increased quality should be looked into comparing different solution comparing technical solution and PA police functions
      • Georg mentions, that the resolution could be separated in “error preventing” and “error handling”. “Error prevention” takes mostly place in C1/C2.
      • Prioritization of measures is needed, in the context of markets.
      • Georgs assumption: adopting PEPPOL increases maturity of markets.
      • Andre states, that TVR is a possible solution, after the other measures in preventing errors are executed
      • Philip states, that 10 years of PEPPOL was a long time to create preventive measures, but still errors occur and need to be handled
      • Andre thinks that the costs of establishing a TVR in the whole network would be to high. Even though Norway initiated the MLR 3-4 years ago, they matured and don’t need it anymore today.
      • Ahti wants to establish something between “prevention” and “punishment” - the “notification” aka TVR
      • Georg asks, if the “network ack” can be used to to propagate validation responses. Markus declines this - because validation is not always possible synchronously (especially on large files) and may happen in C3 or C4.
      • Markus explains that the TVR must be asynchronously.
      • Andre states that the TVR is neither technical transport level nor business level. Philip states that the validation on sender side falls into the same gap. => a definition of the level between “technical transport” and “business level” is needed
      • Andre mentions IRM (Invoice Response) to fill a gap, and may also contain validation errors. Philip claims that the costs for introducing IMR is comparable to the ones of MLR. Andre states that IMR has a business level value and TVR has not. Philip doesn’t agree. Ahti states, that IMR creates a business value for C1 and C2, TVR creates a business value for C3.
      • It is not a big effort for DIFI to inform AP:s about incorrect messages. DIFI has an efficient process for notifying AP:s with exact information needed for problem resolution.
      • It should not be the goal to threaten APs with revocation of certificates. Happened <= 5 times so far.
      • Based on Difi knowledge
        • Make sure, everyone is using the Schematron
        • Make sure everything is tested before sending
        • Make sure new Schematrons are tested before use
        • Make sure to provide technical contact points at the AP
      • Ahti to disagrees, that this is more cost effective. Sending emails is inefficient.
      • Andre thinks a cost-benefit-analysis is needed before putting something like TVR in place
      • Information about non-compliance from C2 to C1 should be automated and regulated in agreements (can OpenPEPPOL help with standard contractual text?)
      • Invoice portals needs to validate so bad quality is avoided as early as possible in the chain.
      • TVR policy
      • Clear escalation path on the receiver side to the PEPPOL Authority the AP have signed with (as defined in the Annex 1 of the TIA)
      • Clear routines for how to handle non-conformance follow-up across PEPPOL Authority jurisdictions
      • Form on peppol.eu (intranet) that generates Jira ticket for OpenPEPPOL and email to function email-inbox to appropriate PEPPOL authority.
      • Increased OpenPEPPOL membership fee (compare to insurance industry) for access points repeatedly failing to send compliant messages to OpenPEPPOL
      • Warning mail sent out from PA or OpenPEPPOL
      • Revoked certificate
      • Incorporate above in TIA-agreement
      • Use test bed as judge
      • Improve the processes in PEPPOL Authorities
      • Responsibility is moved from TICC to MC for escalation; TICC responsibility to prepare basis for discussion in MC
    • AOB
      • Abc...

Information items

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Action items

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-- EoD


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