Reporting BISs 25 April 2022
UPDATE 10 October 2022:
The MC has decided to scale down the Reporting mechanism. This decision was taken on 16 September 2022.
MC decision:
Given the expectations and requirements of the OpenPeppol members as well as the results of an impact analysis, the full-scale Reporting Mechanism prescribed by the Internal Regulations for the use of the Peppol Network appears too costly to implement, without achieving all its key objectives in practice
A scaled-down reporting mechanism should be designed, re-purposed towards the extraction of statistics, and still aiming to introduce centralized reporting that will eliminate the need for multiple reporting to different jurisdictions.
The Data and Reporting Policy will be amended to reflect the re-purposing of the mechanism
Principles of scaled-down reporting mechanism:
Keep the Peppol Network as routing mechanism because it promotes automation
Keep the transaction statistics report as is
Scale reporting on end users down to statistics on active senders and receivers per period
Decrease reporting frequency to once in every quarter, if the follow-up overhead proves to be very substantial.
Actions Operating office
Based on the decision of the MC the OO has started to work on the scaled-down mechanism.
Amending End user reporting BIS
A new Member review is needed because of the severe changes to this BIS
Transaction Statistics reporting will be finalised
Amendments based on the member review
New market research on reporting platform
A new planning will follow as soon as all information has been collected.
According to the new Internal Regulations, Service Providers have to report about their end users and their transaction statistics. The Operating Office is developing a mechanism to support this reporting policy. In this mechanism two BISs have been developed to be used for the reporting, the End User reporting BIS and the Transactions Statistics reporting BIS. The approval process requires that these new technical artefacts should be subject to a review by members. For this reason, these BISs are made available on this page on 25 April 2022 for review by all Service Providers and Peppol Authorities.
Information Session
On 8 June 2022 an information session took place. In this session a thorough explanation was given on the BISs and the change in the SBDH. The presentation and recording of this session are now available.
The following documents are out for public review:
End User Reporting
BIS document
XML Schema
Example files
Transactions Statistics Reporting
BIS document
XML Schema
Example files
The documents above can be found on
A guideline has been drafted to give guidance on how the reporting could be implemented by Service Providers. Peppol Reporting – Guideline for Service Providers.
Any comments you have can be submitted by using the comment template - Reporting BISs. Please do not alter the template. This template must be mailed to
The review period is 2 months and ends on 25 June 2022. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Operating Office.
Peppol Envelope Specification 2.0
The usage of the Reporting BISs requires an update of the Peppol Envelope Specification (SBDH). Therefore this update is also subject to a review by members. For this reason, this artefact is made available on this page on 25 April 2022 for review by all Service Providers and Peppol Authorities.