POAC CMB minutes 2020-07-02

POAC CMB minutes 2020-07-02

Date: 2020-07-02

Time: 15:00-16:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/Paul_Simons)


(P) = Present, (E) Excused


Paul Simons as POAC Community Leader (P)

Elected members (with voting right)

Ahti Allikas (P)

Elisa Bertocchi (Unlicensed) (P)

Magnus Johansson (P)

Jan Andre Mærøe (P)

Observers (without voting right)

Georg Birgisson (P)

Martin Forsberg (E)

Oscar Glanzmann (P)

Guests (without voting right)


  1. Approval of the meeting minutes

  2. Review bug list

  3. Hotfix on hotfix status
  4. Official review of the PINT documentation
  5. Documents valid or not when extra elements are used
  6. Impact analysis mandatory IMR
  7. Date next meeting

Topics not discussed

Information items


  • The meeting minutes of the last meeting were approved.
  • The bug list has been discussed and the necessary decisions were taken.
  • A problem was found with the hotfix dealing with 0208. This has been corrected and published on the website. No communication has been send out due to the limited interest in this hotfix.
  • Decision about the review of the PINT documentation.
    • Georg will publish a first set of drafts documents for review allowing people to react.

    • Goal is to publish end of this week.

    • The timeline has been adapted to a more realistic time frame.
    • The CMB agrees with publication.
    • The CMB agrees with timeline.
    • The CMB agrees to distribute to POAC and eDec members.
    • Georg will get in touch with Martin Mane to distribute to eDec members.
  • Documents valid or not when extra elements are used.
    • A discussion is going on between senders and receivers if receivers can refuse document instances that contain elements not in the model.
    • The CMB members discussed this topic and come to the following decision.
      • The test against the schematron shows if a document instance is compliant or not.

      • Messages with state “Failed” prove non compliance.

      • Messages with state “Warnings” are to be avoided but shall nevertheless be considered compliant.

      • We have no other means at this moment to test compliance.

  • Hilary Appleton has passed on a document regarding a discussion about a mandatory IMR conducted in AU/NZ at this moment.
    • It contains some thoughts and suggests possible ways forward.
    • Paul has send the document to Lefteris to check if it contains enough information as requested by the Peppol Mgmt.
    • Lefteris will come back if necessary.
    • The document will also be shared with the other POAC-CMB and POAC-Team members.
  • The date for the next meeting has been set to 2020-08-13 at 15.00.

Action items

Next meeting

  • 2020-08-13 15.00 - 16.30
