PRACC CMB meeting 2019-26-06-2019

PRACC CMB meeting 2019-26-06-2019


Minutes: OpenPEPPOL PRACC-CMB NetMeeting

Roll call

  • Isabella Rapisarda isabella.rapisarda@consip.it
  • Jan André Mærøe, jan.andre.maroe@difi.no>
  • Albenzio Cirillo (albenzio.cirillo@agid.gov.it)
  • Jerry Dimitriou Jerry jerouris@netsmart.gr
  • Siw Midtgård Meckelborg <siw.meckelborg@edisys.no>

Outstanding and new issues:

Evaluation and update on RFs 13 & 15 –
On RFS 15 is declared by the Cefs proposing to be withdrawn.
On PRACC 13 following the comment given by the Consortia on jiira, the CMB states that more clarifications are required to propose a detailed solution that meets the requirement, then asks Jerry and Jan to collect feedbacks and further clarification from both cef Consortia, in order to close the whole list of RFCs and prepare the release note .

Jan will present on next CMB Netcall scheduled for Monday 1 st of July the WG mandate proposal on Alignment of PEPPOL BIS P001-002-003 (T001,2,3,4,5,6) towards other PEPPOL BIS.

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