Work Group Introduction: Peppol BIS ESPD 3.0
The purpose of the PEPPOL BIS is to facilitate for service providers to implement ESPD functionality according to regulations, standards and community consensus.
The goal is to develop a PEPPOL BIS ESPD 3.0 in alignment with the Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/7 on the ESPD, the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) Regulation, the new eForms and the ESPD-EDM 3.x from Publication’s Office (OP) and DG Grow.
The PEPPOL BIS specifications will use updated UBL syntax and be documented in HTML format and handed over to PRAC for further governance when the format is in production. There is an existing Peppol ESPD BIS 1.0.
Work Group Mandate & Introduction
Work group Mandate: Peppol BIS ESPD 3.0
Work Group Leader:
@Hilde Kjølset (Deactivated)
Work Group Members
@A P
Primary stakeholders from Management & OO
PreAward Community Leader;
Operations Manager: @Lefteris Leontaridis
Work Group presentations