ESPD 1 related files

ESPD 1 related files

To support those of our members that are in urgent need for Implementing a standardized ESPD profile, OpenPEPPOL are in progress of finalizing a PEPPOL BIS based on the Norwegian EHF ESPD V 1.0.

It is expected that this BIS will be send in member review Shortly.

When finalized and approved acording to the OpenPEPPOL aproval processes the BIS will be implemented as an optionel  BIS in the PEPPOL  e-delivery network 

Norwegian EHF ESPD version 1.0 


The new procurement regulation has introduced the European Self-declaration Form (ESPD) provision for procurement of the EEA thresholds. The self-declaration form shall serve as preliminary documentation that the supplier meets the eligibility criteria and any selection criteria and that there are no grounds for rejection.

It is compulsory for public contractors to fill out the form electronically. Suppliers must complete and submit the form electronically if the client has facilitated electronic submission.

An update of the Norwegian regulations, expected to enter force first quarter of 2018, will make it mandatory  for the electronic ESPD to be in accordance with the standardised Norwegian format (EHF). The format will be named EHF ESPD v1.0.  EHF ESPD is based on the commissions data model version 1.0.2: https://github.com/ESPD.

Please find the Norwegian EHF ESPD v1.0 at the Difi web site

EHF ESPD is planned to go into production 15th of February. When EHF ESPD guide is ready, a link to the specification will be published on this site.

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