ESPD profile development

ESPD profile development

The OpenPEPPOl strategy for developing and implementing an ESPD BIS to be used in the PEPPOL e-Delivery network, follows the basic OpenPEPPOL policy of only developing BIS profiles fors stabilized and aproved standards. 

Due to urgent need of a PEPPOL BIS amongst some of our members OpenPEPPOL have decided to develop a PEPPOL ESPD BIS version 1 this spring, based on the released ESPD exchange data modelv1.0".

When the next version of the ESPD exchange data model are publised in a finalized and stabelized version OpenPEPPOL will develop a PEPPOL ESPD BIS version 2, and implement it acording to the OpenPEPPOL migration policy.

As It is already known to OpenPEPPOL that the ESPD exchange data  model v2, are solving issues and closing gabs in the currently released model, OpenPEPPOL follows with great interest the work of ESPD INT, and is prepared to contribute even more directly to making this version ready for publication. 

AS the ESPD v2 is not backward compatible, OpenPEPPOL are planning to establish a Pre-Award Work Group to outline and handle a plan for mandatory migration from v1 to v2, and for mitigating the risk caused by running the two versions in paralell during migration. 

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