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BOSA, the Belgian Peppol Authority, welcomes you to this collaboration area dedicated to the Belgian jurisdiction. It supports the forums that we are used to organize since 2016 to assist the IT sector in widening the eInvoicing and eProcurement solutions in the Belgian market.
The structure of this area will grow gradually to best fit with the discussions and opportunities that will arise.

Enjoy your visit and let us know!
the eInvoicing team @BOSA DT.

Hermes Documents Review round 202006


  • This section shares information with the Belgian Service providers about Hermes in the context of a draft review round.

  • Timewise, this round

    • started with a presentation during the 7th Belgian AP forum on .

    • closes on .

  • Review participants are invited to provide their comments by email to

  • Following documents are in the scope of this review round:

    1. the conditions of use for senders and its technico-functional annex,

    2. the integrators agreement,

    3. the migration toke collection interface specification.





1.a. Hermes


conditions of use

Contractual description


of the Hermes service features and boundaries.
The enterprise wishing to use Hermes in his outbound invoicing must accept these conditions

1.b. annex to Hermes conditions of use

The conditions of use


incorporate a technico-functional appendix that lays out in more detail all the scenarios handled by Hermes and their technical details

status: this draft is ready for review and comments by the potential integrators


files :

French version


View file
nameHermes conditions d’utilisation VF - draft.pdf

Dutch version

View file
nameHermes Gebruiksvoorwaarden bijlage NV - draft.pdf
View file
nameHermes Gebruiksvoorwaarden NV - draft.pdf

Hermes convention of integration


2. Hermes Integrators agreeement

In addition to the convention of use, DT offers the possibility to integrators to incorporate Hermes in their service offering, and the collection of the senders' agreement with the conditions of use in their own service subscription process. For


this the integrator must sign a convention of integration, that describes the responsibilities that the integrator is expected to take to insure smooth operations

status: this draft is ready for review and comments by the potential integrators

comment: The document is available in NL. translation in FR is in the process


French version

Dutch version

View file
nameHermes overeenkomst integrator NL.pdf

Hermes overeenkomst integrator (currently only available in NL)

3. HermeSMP (hsmp) migration token collection interface



offers the Peppol APs the possibility to


automate the collection of the Hermes participants migration tokens. It is a REST service with the same security as




View file

test plan


This interface specification consists in (a) a swagger; (b) a Test Plan , and (c) additional info if needed

(a) swagger: hsmp_migration_key.yaml
(b) Test plan: see
(c) additional info: see

(hsmp) migration token collection interface - Test Plan


Currently only the Table of Contents of the text plan is available. However ,once it is reviewed, the Test plan will be elaborated and packaged as a Postman Project that suits for the testing of the interface. The graphical representation of the high-level description is also provided. notice however that an inconsistency was found when comparing the TOC and the viusal - the error 3 seems to overlap hsmp801. This is under investigation

High-Level Description / “table of contents”



response :: http - detail


valid and not yet migrated enterprise number

200 - the pair enterprise number & migration token

security 1

certificate missing

401 - no certificate provided with the request

security 2

error while parsing certificate

401 - error while parsing client certificate

security 3

certificate expired or not yet valid

401 - client certificate expired or not yet valid

error 1

the enterprise number does not correspond to an existing enterprise (or is garbage)

404 - invalid or non-existing enterprise number + id

error 2

the enterprise number was deleted (in the context of the monthly processing of the CBE dump or the admin removal function)

404 - inactive enterprise number + id

error 3

the enterprise number that was already migrated to another smp

404 - already migrated + id

error 4

any request of a used that exceeded the blacklisting limit and was not yet reactivated

429 403 - you have been blacklisted please contact BOSA

error 5

internal server error

500 - internal server error



(hsmp) migration token collection interface - Additional info

Proposed schedule






  • AP forum: discuss the interface specifications, practicalities

  • then post a draft proposal to collect comments (2weeks)

  • then publish (initial) documentation package ( swagger + Test plan + read-me ) and schedule on agreed repository

development and babelway test


  • includes update of the documentation package at end of dev phase

user testing


  • includes collection of test results, fixing, updating the documentation package

BOSA acceptance


  • verify that the outcomes of the previous phases meet the expectations

Currently, no need for such an additional piece of documentation is identified. During the specifications review round, review participants are invited to describe the additional documentation they would need, if any