Peppol Authority Specific Requirements
A Peppol Authority (PA) is allowed to define Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR) applicable to the use of the Peppol Network within its jurisdiction.
In the Peppol Interoperability Framework, PASR apply automatically across the Peppol Network to all Service Providers that offer services (have sender and/or receiver customers) located within the jurisdiction of a Peppol Authority.
See the full MC Decision and the more extended Decision Background document
Changes in PASR
The policy on PASR is stated in chapter 7 of the Internal Regulations on the Use of the Peppol Network.
A new Peppol Authority that wishes to alter or define new PASR must follow the next steps:
Read the Internal Regulations chapter 7 to see what specific requirements are allowed.
Fill out the template stating your PASR.
Send in your PASR as an RFC via the Peppol Service Desk
The new PASR will have to be reviewed by members and finally approved by the APP CMB
List of Currently Applicable PASR
The approved PASR that are now applicable are published below.
Country | PA | Specific Requirements | Approved |
Australia | Australian Taxation Office | 2024.01.23 | |
Belgium | BOSA - Beleid en Ondersteuning – Stratégie et Appui (BOSA), Belgium | 2023.11.29 | |
Finland | Valtiokonttori (VK) | 2023.05.16 | |
Germany | Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT) | 2025.01.27 | |
Iceland | Fjársýsla Íslands - Financial Management Authority (FJS) | 2022.06.21 | |
Italy | Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale | 2022.06.21 | |
Japan | Digital Agency, Government of Japan | 2022.06.21 | |
Malaysia | Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) | 2024.04.15 | |
New Zealand | Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (New Zealand) | 2024.01.23 | |
Norway | Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ) - The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management | 2022.06.21 | |
Poland | Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MRiT - Poland) | 2022.06.21 | |
Singapore | Info-Communications Media Development Authority (IMDA), Singapore | 2025.01.27 | |
The Netherlands | Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations) | 2025.01.27 | |
Denmark | Danish Business Authority (ERST) | None |
Greece | General Secretariat of Information Systems (GSIS) | None |
Ireland | Office of Government Procurement (OGP) | None |
Portugal | Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, I.P. | None |
Sweden | Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) | None |