PoAC CMB minutes 2024-06-27

Date: 2024-06-27

Time: 09:00-10:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/Paul_Simons)


(P) = Present, (E) Excused


Paul Simons as POAC Community Leader (P)

Elected members (with voting right)

Ahti Allikas (P)

Jussi Koljonen (P)

Arne Johan Larsen (P)

Simon Foster (E)

OO participants

Erwin Wulterkens (P)

Hans Petersen (P)


GEOK_Seong_Wah@imda.gov.sg (E)

Philip Helger (E)


  1. Approval of the meeting minutes

  2. Review of the bug list

  3. November 2024 release status
  4. Discussion on outstanding RFC's May release
  5. Policy for Identifiers
  6. Alignment of Receiver Identification
  7. MLA project status
  8. Billing with Response BIS
  9. Country specific rules
  10. AOB
  11. Date next meeting
  12. Plan 2024

Topics not discussed

Information items


  • The meeting minutes of the previous meeting have been approved.
  • Review of the bug list.
    • No bugs to be discussed at the moment.
  • November 2024 release status.
    • The date for the webinar is July 10th from 09.00 to 10.30
    • Paul has sent a placeholder.
    • Erwin is working on 2 timelines.
    • Normal BIS type docs implementation suggested on 18-11-2024.
    • PINT type docs implementation suggested on 02-12-2024.
  • Discussion on outstanding RFC's May release.
    • Review Methodology for country rules has been sent out.
    • Implementation of the RFC's is depending on the outcome of the review.
    • Paul suggested to Lars to check the wanted implementation period given that some receivers are not registered for X-Rechnung.
  • Policy for Identifiers.
    • Investigation ongoing to see if exact match can be done under the wildcard scheme.
    • Goal is to only use wildcard scheme for PINT.
  • Alignment of Receiver Identification in envelope and payload.
    • An RFC has been filed to mandate the alignment.
    • What about the link between EAS and Legal Identifiers?
    • Paul will send an e-mail to Erwin and Philip to add this topic into the discussion.
  • MLA.
    • Project is ongoing
    • The RFC to eDec has been filed but still pending.
  • Billing with Response BIS.
    • An RFC 644 has been submitted.
    • The RFC has been approved. 
  • Country specific rules
    • The review has been sent out.
    • Waiting for feedback.

Next meetings

  • 2024-07-25 09.00 - 10.30
