Finish PINT Specification Meeting 2021-11-08

Date: 2021-11-08

Time: 09:00-10:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (


  • Adrian Sharp (P)

  • Chao Wang (P)

  • Georg Birgisson (P)

  • Hilary Appleton (P)

  • Joshua Eckerslei (P)

  • Martin Forsberg (E)

  • Nobu Yuki (P)

  • Oriol Bausa (P)

  • Paul Simons (P)

  • Ursuli Hathaway (P)


  • Goal of the meeting

  • Why a small group

  • Technical test have been done successfully

    • Sending and receiving an XML payload from one jurisdiction to another

  • Finish the PINT specification

    • Prepare for testing the content based on an agreed specification

  • Out of scope

    • Maintenance procedures of the PINT specification

ToDo list

  • Finish the PINT specification

    • Agree on tooling to be used

    • Structure of the BIS document specification

    • PINT level

      • Finalize outstanding questions and remarks

      • Validate version X.Y.Z of the PINT documents

      • Validate document identifiers and versioning the PINT documents

      • Finalize the schematron

      • Create samples

    • Jurisdiction level

      • Agree on document identifiers and versioning of each jurisdiction

      • Finalize the schematron

      • Create domestic samples

      • Create international samples

  • Agree on a timeline for the given activities

Discussed topics

  • The topics on the agenda have been explained

  • A ToDo list is agreed upon as starting list.

  • The meetings will be extended to 2 hours where possible

Next meeting

  • 2021-11-09 09.00 - 11.00 CET