Finish PINT Specification Meeting 2021-11-09
Date: 2021-11-09
Time: 09:00-11:00 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (
Adrian Sharp (E)
Chao Wang (P)
Georg Birgisson (P)
Hilary Appleton (P)
Joshua Eckerslei (P)
Martin Forsberg (E)
Nobu Yuki (P)
Oriol Bausa (P)
Paul Simons (P)
Ursuli Hathaway (P)
Discussion on outstanding topics
ToDo list
Finish the PINT specification
Agree on tooling to be used (Done)
Structure of the BIS document specification (Done)
PINT level
Finalize outstanding questions and remarks
Validate version X.Y.Z of the PINT documents
Validate document identifiers and versioning the PINT documents
Finalize the schematron
Create samples
Jurisdiction level
Agree on document identifiers and versioning of each jurisdiction
Finalize the schematron
Create domestic samples
Create international samples
Agree on a timeline for the given activities
Discussed topics
Georg prepared already a list of topics to discuss
Discussion was held on outstanding topics
Results of the discussions can be followed on Github
Next meeting we will continue the discussion
Next meeting
2021-11-15 09.00 - 11.00 CET