2024.05.31-CIWG B meeting 4 (Hybrid)
9:00 - 9:10 - Welcome (Siraj)
9:10 - 11:00 - Working on "SML Federation - Review of Options for POC - Version 0.5 (Siraj)
11:15 - 12:00 - Brainstrom on Architecture Policies, -Characteristics, -Principles and -Requirements (Klaus)
A Google Jamboard has been created (https://jamboard.google.com/d/1XkUYWXdU4jgNORtklEMC43LW_5HeJP5kAECVK2AtIB8/edit?usp=sharing ) for the purpose, please visit and share your thoughts on the various levels of requirements (page 1 to 4) and if you have good use-cases (page 5 to ? - I've put a use case from Michael in page 5, but feel free to add more pages (just click next page) for adding additional use-cases).
12:00 - 12:45 - Consolidate Architecture Policies, -Characteristics, -Principles and -Requirements (Klaus)
12:45 - 12:50 - Overall CIWG Plan (Klaus)
12:50 - 13:00 - AoB (Siraj)