Testbed Taskforce 2018-06-13 minutes
Date: 2018-06-13
Time: 13:00-15:00 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting
Participants and absents
Berg, Anna-Lis <anna-lis.berg@difi.no>
Aksamit, Mikael <mikael@aksamit.se>
Berg, Hans <hans.berg@tickstar.com>
Collanus, Risto <risto.collanus@visma.com>
Helger, Philip <philip.helger@brz.gv.at>
Langøy, Bård <bard.langoy@pagero.com>
Topics not discussed
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Information items
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- It was decided to have not more than one virtual meeting per week
- As the size of the team is reasonable small it was decided to allow for ad-hoc meetings via Skype
- Terminology decision: "Testbed" is the thing as a whole, "Testbed Controller" is the software to be created
- Development is done in the name of OpenPEPPOL
- Hosting is done by a 3rd party company appointed by OO. The hosting solution must be able to run Docker images.
- Controlling/administration of the created software is done by OO
- OpenPEPPOL Operations should have a possibility to view the logfiles of the hosted solution
- It must be able to easily and automatically access the logfiles of the Backbone solutions
Action items
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Subject of discussion
*Distinguish the software as “Testbed controller”
Requirements for implementing the centralized “Testbed Controller”
In scope for Version 1.0
- Testbed Controller covers listed test cases and operates with a minimum of manual intervention
- Ability to verify compliance on a technical level in terms of the PEPPOL AS2 profile
- Ability to verify compliance on a technical level in terms of the PEPPOL AS4 profile
- Ability to verify compliance on a technical level in terms of the E-SENS AS4 profile
- Implemented as a web-based application with a self-service user interface. Self-identification based on PEPPOL test certificate based on PKI v3 is foreseen. Not open to everyone.
- Provide efficient and (best effort) scalable self-service Testbed on-boarding, for connectivity testing (not for Backbone AP integration)
- The main purpose of the Testbed from the viewpoint of the tester: to support developers and operations with manual processes
- The main purpose of the Testbed from the viewpoint of OpenPEPPOL: to check the maturity and verify the compliance of an onboarding entity
- The Testbed Controller is controlled (managed, maintained, operated and supported) by OpenPEPPOL operations.
- The Testbed Controller is being hosted by a 3rd party in a generic setup (provider) and implemented in a way to ensure minimal maintenance activities. SLA is mandatory between 3rd party host and OpenPEPPOL
- The Testbed should enable the usage of different PEPPOL compliant AP implementations (like Oxalis, ph-as2 ...) as Backbone APs. The same implementation can be available in different versions.
- The Testbed should produce a report with the result of executed test cases and which Backbone AP implementations were tested. It should be possible to assert the authenticity of the report.
- Testbed Controller implementation strategy should cater for scalability in scope and functionality
Out of scope for version 1.0, in scope for a later version
- BIS document validation and content conformance
- SMP onboarding test
- Local or regional requirements mandated by OpenPEPPOL Authorities.
- Having a history of reports sent out (in scope for future Implementations)
- Identify scenarios where a production certificate might make sense
Out of scope forever (until management decides different)
- Hosting of 3rd party Backbone AP implementations on behalf of OpenPEPPOL are not considered as part of the Testbed operation
Testbed AccessPoint (TB AP)
- TB AP is a virtual AP - equals the sum of all available, active and selected Backbone AP instances
- AS2 specific settings
- SMP registration is required
- The SMP must be connected to the SMK
- https with TLS 1.2 must be used (and enforced)
- The MIC algorithm for AS2 must be SHA-1 (and foresee SHA-256 for the future)
Test cases covered by Testbed v1.0
The first version (1.0) of the Testbed will cover the following PEPPOL AS2 and AS4 profile use cases:
- System under test (SP AP) is receiving
- Positive tests
- TB AP sends a valid document to service provider (SP) AP using a valid certificate (should pass) (of reasonable size)
- Document type ID/process ID/no SMP lookup (URL must be provided by test user in the Test Controller, forwarded to Backbone APs)
- Tast for the Testbed Controller: it must be possible to identify which Backbone AP sent out which file - correlate Backbone AP and sent out file;
- Verification; SP AP send file back to Testbed AP (see 2. a. i.) (maybe a problem because AP software changes are required!)
- Handle different Content-Transfer-Encodings (binary, base64, 7bit etc.) - for the payload (AS2 specific)
- Support SHA-1 and SHA-256 as MIC algorithms (AS2 specific)
- Try to verify if all the AS2 MDN HTTP headers are according to the specs (if proxying is possible) (AS2 specific)
- Document type ID/process ID/no SMP lookup (URL must be provided by test user in the Test Controller, forwarded to Backbone APs)
- TB AP sends a valid large (50 MB+) document to SP AP (should pass)
- Verification; SP AP sends file back in 2.a.ii
- Same verification steps as described above should be applied
- The SP AP implementation (not the instance under test!) needs to be on the list of CEF eDelivery compliant implementations (https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/eDelivery+AS4+conformant+solutions) (AS4 specific)
- TB AP sends a valid document to service provider (SP) AP using a valid certificate (should pass) (of reasonable size)
- Negative tests
- TB AP sends an invalid document (valid SBDH without a payload) to SP AP (should fail with negative MDN)
- TB AP sends an invalid document (No SBDH, no payload at all) to SP AP (should fail with negative MDN)
- TB AP sends an invalid document (No SBDH, valid payload only) to SP AP (should fail with negative MDN)
- TB AP sends an invalid document (Invalid SBDH, XML syntax error) to SP AP (should fail with negative MDN)
- TB AP sends an invalid document (Invalid SBDH, missing mandatory field) to SP AP (should fail with negative MDN)
- TB AP sends an invalid document (SBDH endpoint ID differs from the Payload endpoint ID/or document type mismatch) to SP AP (out of scope for V1)
- TB AP sends a valid document to SP AP using an invalid certificate (expired PEPPOL AP certificate) (should fail)
- TB AP sends a valid document to SP AP using an invalid certificate (revoked PEPPOL AP certificate) (should fail) - may cause problems in practise; Error level warning only?
- TB AP sends a valid document to SP AP using an invalid certificate (with a non-PEPPOL certificate) (should fail)
- TB AP sends a valid document to SP AP using an invalid certificate (with a PEPPOL SMP certificate) (should fail)
- TB AP sends a valid document to SP AP using an old TLS version (e.g. TLS 1.1) (should be rejected by SSL handshake)
- Positive tests
- System under test is sending
- Positive tests
- SP AP sends a valid document to TB AP using a valid certificate
- Sending more than one different document type might be an issue for testing with real-life-test systems (out of scope for V1)
- Handle different Content-Transfer-Encodings (binary, base64, 7bit etc.) - for the MDN (AS2 specific)
- Verify that all the AS2 HTTP headers have correct values (according to the AS2 specs and the PEPPOL profile) (AS2 specific)
- SP AP sends a valid large (50 MB+) document using a valid certificate
- Consider reasonable read timeout values
- SP AP sends a valid document to TB AP using a valid certificate
- Negative tests
- SP AP is sending a document type that is not supported by the TB AP (e.g. OrderResponse) (should fail with negative MDN/Receipt) (out of scope for V1)
- Verification: verify that the negative MDN was received
- Out of scope version 1: list of negative self-tests, that cannot be verified by the Testbed
- SP AP is sending a document type that is not supported by the TB AP (e.g. OrderResponse) (should fail with negative MDN/Receipt) (out of scope for V1)
- Positive tests
In a long term scenario the centralized Testbed should be used for:
- Onboarding test (in TEST environment using SMK)
- Compliance test (in PRODUCTION environment using SML)
- Compliance monitoring (automated monitoring of deployed APs and SMPs)
- BIS document validation (automated Schematron validation of BIS profiles – Self test)
Requirements for the Testbed software
- What about GITB
- REST API needs to be defined
Next meeting: June 27th, 13:00 to 15:00 CEST