Testbed Taskforce 2018-07-18 minutes

Testbed Taskforce 2018-07-18 minutes

Date: 2018-07-18

Time: 13:00-15:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting

Participants and absents


Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen <kpe@difi.no>

Lefteris Leontaridis


Prasad Kona

Emiliano Minella

Even Østvold

Edmund Gray

Klaus Lüttich

Sofyane Khedim 

Luca Chiecchio

Helger Philip


Information - dicussion items

  1. Quick walkthrough of vision
  2. Short discussion on scoping for stage 1

Decision items

  1. Stage 1 scoping to core functionality accepted Testbed Taskforce - Testbed Design - Stage 1 (20180718)

Action items

  1. Clarify TB AP with Oxalis as first priority, with Phoss AP as backup
  2. Other APs interesting, but needs a "go" from MC
  3. Setup task force for defining REST API Orchestration-TB AP
    1. Prasad Kona
    2. Edmund Gray
    3.  Erland 
    4. Mike

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