eDelivery CMB meeting 2024-06-20 minutes

Date: 2024-06-20

Time: 10:00-11:00 CEST

Type of meeting: Teams

Participants and absents


GEOK_Seong_Wah@imda.gov.sg as eDelivery Community Leader

Elected members (with voting right)

Bård Langöy (Pagero) (apologies received)

Risto Collanus (Visma)

Iacopo.Arduini@regione.emilia-romagna.it (Emilia Romagna)

Arun Kumar (Basware)

Guests (without voting right)

Philip Helger (OpenPeppol OO)

Klaus Vilstrup (OpenPeppol OO) (apologies receives)

Hayden Tay (IMDA) (apologies received)


  1. News from the Peppol Network
  2. Open Tasks
  3. New Tickets
  4. Other

Approval of Minutes

eDelivery CMB meeting 2024-04-25

Status: approved

Information/Discussion items

  1.  Organisational topics 
  2. News
    1. News from the Peppol Network
      1. PoAC is planning a new BIS "Billing with Invoice Response" as well as "PINT Self Billing"
      2. PoAC is working on harmonizing the time zone management inside their documents types (UTC, time zone provision etc.); that also affects the putting in use of new specifications and validation artefacts
    2. Peppol - EESPA/GENA consolidation
    3. CIWG
    4. Service Provider Identification Scheme (identify C2 and C3)
    5. SMP 2.0 WG
    6. MLA work group (for MLS)
      1. Philip to circulate the work group draft document to eDEC CMB for reading and further discussion in the next eDEC CMB
    7. OO Internal Peppol Directory Initiative
  3. Open Tasks Philip Helger
    1. Finalize TICC-19
      1. Version 2024-04-10 was accepted as version 1.0. Ticket to be closed
    2. Code List alignment
    3. eDEC Specifications
      1. Add that new specifications take effect at 00:00 UTC unless noted otherwise
  4. Activities for this year
    1. Initial draft for Activities 2024 was ciruclated internally
    2. Published
      1. Progress alignment with change and release management based on new agreement change processes
      2. Continue Peppol specification upgrade based on latest version of underlying standard e.g., OASIS
      3. Commence work on future of SML – defining business requirements followed by solution implementation in due course
      4. Documentation of Peppol eDelivery Network Architecture
      5. Ensure and maintain safe & secure operation over Peppol eDelivery Network
    3. Resource problem is still pressing
    4. Ad activity 2: Discussion on the comparison of new and existing standards should be done in a less "ad hoc way"
      1. Start documenting findings in a more structured way
    5. Ad activity 3: Brainstorming for Peppol Architecure v2 has been started
      1. Check if a restricted Confluence page can be used instead
      2. Crosscheck with the long term tasks
  5. Changes to eDEC internal guidelines
    1. The guideline on "Code List States" was modified. A "Document Type Identifier Code List entry" must be at least 3 month in state "Deprecated" before it can be in state "Removed".
  6. Next meeting(s)
    1. Next meeting: Thursday July 4th, 10:00 to 12:00 CEST

SPC relevant

  • Code List Update v8.9
  • Eventually: SP Identification Scheme

New tasks and Issues (from last meeting)

Issues: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10258

  1. TICC-345 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: request to remove Participant Identifier schemes 0037, 0212, 0213, 0215
    2. Decision: none yet
  2. TICC-343 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: remove Japan busdox document type identifiers from Code Lists
    2. Decision: Approved by eDEC CMB with a specific supporting activity described in the ticket
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  3. TICC-335 to TICC-341 are related to the new Enhanced B2B domain
  4. TICC-333 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Addition of Italy specific Invoice identifiers
    2. Update: this is extended use and requires prior MC approval
  5. TICC-332 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: RFC to convert the output of the MLA work group (the Message Level Status) into an eDEC specification
    2. Update: Information to be circulated to the group; will be discussed in next eDEC CMB meeting
  6. TICC-331 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Add new document types for Norwegian "INNBYGGERPOST"
    2. Decision: approved by F2F eDEC CMB. Will be part of Code Lists v8.9
    3. Reponsible Philip Helger
  7. TICC-330 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Mandatory use of same identifier in recipient field of SBDH and endpointID in document
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible:
  8. TICC-327 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Error correction for Reporting Specification needed
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  9. TICC-325 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Create official clarification between the use of a Participant Identifier and a Legal Identifier
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  10. TICC-323 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Change Lower boundary of Business Entity within Business Card
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  11. TICC-322 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Ambiguity of Participant Identifier Casing between POLICY 1 and POLICY 2
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  12. TICC-319 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: add additional SETU document types to the codelist
    2. Update: Part of the v8.9 code list releases
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  13. TICC-315 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Peppol Reporting name change
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  14. TICC-313 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: added Participant Identifier Scheme 0234 to the eDEC CodeList
    2. Decision: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  15. TICC-311 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Use UTC for all Peppol publications date time
    2. Update: none
  16. TICC-310 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Codelist alignment
    2. Update: none
  17. TICC-309 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Codelist alignment
    2. Update: none
  18. TICC-308 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: internal activity: create AP Operational Guideline
    2. Update: none
  19. TICC-303 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: extract Business Card specification from Peppol Directory specification
    2. Update: none
  20. TICC-286 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Suggestion on C4 Country Code
    2. Update: none
  21. TICC-285 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Proposal to make mandatoriness of Directory API in SMP specification more clear
    2. Update: none
    3. Decision: OO to clarify on the mandatory use of Business Cards.
  22. TICC-284 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: AS4 inconclusive specification on signing of AS4 Error messages
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  23. TICC-282 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Update: Deprecate old Business Card Formats
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  24. TICC-269 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Request to improve consistency in AS4 error handling
    2. Update: none
  25. TICC-263 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Peppol Participant (Corner 4) served by more than one Access Point
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  26. TICC-235 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Start definining potential actions for removing identifiers in the Code List States Document. Start with TICC-228
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  27. TICC-233 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information; Its about a wording issue in the Peppol Envelope Policy (SBDH)
    2. Update: none
  28. TICC-226 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: New SMP API proposal (migration code exchange)
  29. TICC-225 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: New SMP API proposal (health check)
  30. TICC-224 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: New SMP API proposal (identify)
  31. TICC-223 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Collection issue: Peppol, EESPA, BPC
  32. TICC-218 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Clarify case sensitivity of Peppol Seat ID
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  33. TICC-206 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Number of retries on an AS4 level
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  34. TICC-202 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Information about caching of SMP results for usage in a Peppol AP is missing
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  35. TICC-187 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Allow 0080 as new Participant Identifier scheme
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Elly Stinchcombe (Unlicensed)
  36. TICC-174 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: The term "Subject Unique Identifier" in the Peppol SMP specification 1.1.0 requires clarification, as this certificate field is not present in the Peppol certificates.
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  37. TICC-168 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Have a separate participant identifier prefix for testing purposes.
    2. Update: none
  38. TICC-167 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: regarding joint information on news and noteworthy
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  39. TICC-166 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Clarification on the words "custom validation" in the AS4 profile was sought.
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  40. TICC-153 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: https for SMP
    2. Update: Part of the SMP 2.0 specification update
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  41. TICC-151 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: (Whitepaper) Enforce people to use SMK for testing?
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  42. TICC-149 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: add a Schematron for verifying the AS4 headers. Updates directly in the issue.
    2. Update: none
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger
  43. TICC-146 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: (Whitepaper) Creation of the Whitepaper.
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  44. TICC-142 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: (Whitepaper)
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  45. TICC-140 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: (Whitepaper)
    2. Responsible: Philip Helger
  46. TICC-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Information: Information on how to determine and handle inactive SMP providers
    2. Update: The version was accepted. The issue will be closed.
    3. Responsible: Philip Helger

