02 — 2019-10-29 Meeting notes

02 — 2019-10-29 Meeting notes


Oct 29, 2019


@Georg Birgisson

  • +61402306789, +61438402145, Andreas Carlsson, Chao Wang, Charlotte Dahl Skovhus, David Field, Diego Gonzalez (Docuten / Enxendra), Fabio Massimi AgID, Giorgio Galli, Hilary Appleton, Jostein, Jøraholmen Per Martin, Kanwal, Klaus Kolmos Petersen DK, Manjeet Yadav, Nap Ramirez, Paul O'Sullivan, Paul Simons, Rask Kasperi, Sara, Simon Foster, Vigneron, Francois (SAP), de Niet, Aalbert

Agenda and notes






Approval of agenda

Agenda approved


Roll call

Participation noted by using GoTo meeting log.


Minutes of last meeting

No comments, minutes approved.


Open actions



Communication tool

group email address pint@mail.peppol.eu

group confluence domain Peppol International Invoicing Work Group - Confluence

Team members are encouraged to test the tools and verify their access to them. If there are issues then report to Georg.


Draft model.

Meeting started going through a first draft of the int’l model. Following points were noted.

  • Discussion on invoice type code showed need to define how the int’l model can be use as base for other invoice types.

  • Discussion on invoice currency code showed that where the EN definition of a non tax term that should be shared includes the name of a tax type, e.g. VAT, then there is need to specify how the term is handled as shared as opposed to aligned. Similar applies to some amounts.

  • Comment on the potential addition of invoice date into an amended EN opened questions on to what extent the international model can be bound to the EN 16931, if the EN is changing and is adding business terms due to local legislation ( in this case Croatia). The international model needs to include criteria on how new terms are added.

  • Comments raised on how codes and/or attributes can be used to manage alignment.

  • Discussions indicated that simply separating the EN into shared and aligned by business terms may be to simple. It was also noted that when specializing aligned terms there may need to be rules on how they can be specialized, e.g. is it only the name of a tax that can be specialized and can it be specialized to any tax or only point of sales taxes like VAT, GST and sales tax.

  • General conclusion of the meeting was to layout more clear definition of what the terms shared, aligned and distinct mean and then start again through the EN model with more clear definitions.



Actions are noted below.



None raised.

Action items

Set the mailing system to record mails @Georg BirgissonNov 5, 2019
Define shared and specially aligned more clearly. @Georg BirgissonNov 1, 2019


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