eB2B Launch Meeting (LM-5, 23.01.2025)
Participants, observers and interested parties
Sovos (Johan Borendal, Luiz Santos) Signed-upeB2B CertImpl
OpusCapita (Ahti Allikas)
UnifiedPost (Alex Hincu)
Traffiqx/b4value (Moritz Plößl)
Pagero (Sebastian Boklund)
Axway (Michel Gilis)
MySupply (Jesper Larsen) Signed-upeB2B CertImpl
Seeburger (Katharina Koch)
IBM (Ger Clancy)
TietoEvry (Tuija Lompolojärvi)
B2BRouter (Henrik Möller) Observe
Logiq (Andreas Bye) Observe
B2Boost (Jan Eekhout)
Visma (Risto Collanus) Signed-up
Comarch (Rafal Trojanowski)
Billit (Dirk Willekens) Signed-upeB2B CertImpl
Storecove (Michael Riviera) Signed-upeB2B CertImpl
Global Digital Post (Harald Jasser) Signed-up
VAT IT (Julian Lap) Observe
Agenda (Proposal)
Review Sign-Up and Participation Status
New: GDP / Harald Jasser, VAT IT (observer)
Review Motivation and Business Case, identify needs for support to start implementation
Implementation Status and Planning
Testbed - connectivity of APs using eB2B certificate. Released before holidays.
SP Identification Scheme: approved by eDEC, part of MLS Post-Award process
Waiting for the “official” ICD code (with ISO6523 list)
Ready to be used in this domain (no need to wait for Post-Award)
Document Types: internal ongoing, targeting eDEC CMB next week
Ready to be used (per the Solution Architecture)
Participants' Status
Billit: Successfully connected to eB2B testbed.
MySupply: developer assigned, chose phase4-eb2b, now connect to own infrastructure. Internal testing next.
Sovos: plan to start in January.
Further Implementation topics
Peer-to-peer execution of high-value target scenarios (in Test, using generic data)
Hybrid invoices (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD) - help to fix security shortcomings (offer secure channel, based on a network concept)
Customer scenarios identified: SP and trading partner relationships