OpenPeppol Elections 2024


The 2024 Call for Candidates in OpenPeppol elections opened on February 1st, 2024, closed on February 28th, 2024, and extended until March 13th and March 20th, 2024, for the remaining positions. In the following pages you can see the open positions in the OpenPeppol Elections 2024:

A. Positions elected by the General Assembly

Positions that are to be elected by the 17th OpenPeppol General Assembly, April 16th, 2024

B. Positions elected by the Communities

Positions that are to be elected by the OpenPeppol Stakeholder and Domain Communities


The color code used is the following:

number of candidates is equal to the number of positions - no competitive election is necessary

number of candidates exceeds the number of positions - competitive election necessary

number of candidates is less than the number of positions