CC-F2F-Meetings - Rome May 31-June 1, 2016

CC-F2F-Meetings - Rome May 31-June 1, 2016

CC F2F Rome

May 31th & June 1th 2015


The Consip building  – Via Isonzo 19 E, Rome


Isabella Rapisarda (Consip S.p.A)

Co chars:

Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen (TiCC Leader)

Sören Petersen (Post-Award CC Leader)

Isabella Rapisarda (Pre-Award CC Leader)

Agenda of the DAY:


May 31th & June 1st  2016

Day 1


Agenda item



Arrival & coffee


13.30- 15.00


Joint session all CC’s

30 minute input from each CC

(14.00 – 15.00) Parallel session for Pre-Award Non-members

(1,5 hours)


Coffee break


15.30 – 18.00

CC parallel sessions

-Please find agenda below

3 parallel sessions – 3 rooms


19.30 - ?????

Social dinner


June 1st  2016

Day 2


Workshop sessions Part 1:

TIA Revision status and Workshop

Joint Session

11.00 – 13.00

Workshop sessions Part 2 – 3 sessions

1.       TIC eDelivery Workshop

a.        Large Files/New Payload

b.       Trust Extension (eTendering)

c.       eTendering ETSI receipts

2.       Post-Award Workshops

a.       BLR Workshop

b.       PEPPOL Directory Workshop

3.       BD Marketing Work Group Workshop

3 parallel sessions – 3 rooms

13.00 – 14.00



14.00- 16.00

Workshop sessions Part 3

1.       MLR Workshop


16.00- 17.00

Joint closure of the day

(1 hour)


Agenda of the CC parallel meetings

TICC agenda for day 1 parallel session: 

  1. TICC operations and status
  2. Support handling
  3. Technical Alerts
  4. Test/onboarding for AP/SMP
  5. AoB

Post-Award CC agenda for day 1 parallel session: 

  1. CEN/TC 424 eInvoicing Status
  2. Punch-out/ Oreder Agreement

Pre-Award CC agenda for day 1 parallel session: 

  1. Pre-award interoperability – the OpenPEPPOL value proposition for OpenPEPPOL
  2. Pre-award BIS update
    1. The BIS approach in pre-award and interdependencies with other CCs
    2. The PEPPOL BIS  change management cycle
    3. E-Tendering BIS
    5. eCatalogue BIS
  3. Governance Framework for pre-award
    1. BIS ownership and handover
    2. Legal and business requirements
    3. TIA update/extension process
  4. Member issues
    1. Membership categories relevant to pre-award
    2. Changes in Statutes
  5. AOB

Agenda, Presentations, Background Documents and Meeting Notes

  File Modified

PDF File 20160531 OpenPEPPOL PrACC with e-SENS Rome-Final.pdf

Dec 19, 2017 by ClaraN

PDF File Introduction to OpenPEPPOL Governance_ Rome meeting.pdf

Dec 19, 2017 by ClaraN

PDF File OpenPEPPOL F2F Rome - MLR .pdf

Dec 19, 2017 by ClaraN

PDF File OpenPEPPOL PRACC Joint session_Final.pdf

Dec 19, 2017 by ClaraN